Transvestite revolution. Putting on a face: streets and networks

Transvestites embody discontinuities between sex and gender, in a role play that (de)shows the permeability of the limits between being and acting. As if these roles could be imitated and interpreted, in a performativity announced by Judith Butler (2007), albeit led to parody. In doing so, she questions the norms imposed by the heteropatriarchy, producing incongruous juxtapositions between the masculine and the feminine. The theatrical halo they make use of emphasizes that what is important is not to be but to seem, constituting “an important part of social negotiations about the meaning of gender, and not only in the realm of the stage.” (Jack Halberstam, 2008).

In 2024, the magazine-object Papel Engomado dedicates an issue to Liz Dust, one of the most important drags of the current Valencian scene. This transvestite issue invites drag queens and drag kings to produce small-format artistic pieces that rethink the figure of the transvestite as a nuclear element for gender disruption, helping to disarticulate outdated schemes for the benefit of social progress.

October 4, 2024 at 5 p.m. at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Fine Arts. at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Camino de Vera s/n) will take place Revolución travesti. Putting the face: streets and networks, a day in which we invite Liz Dust, l+ drag king Marcus Massalami and l+ drag Hugáceo Crujiente to expose their experiences in the street, at night and in the networks in a round table. Weaving a discourse that starts from the personal and addresses the public, oscillating between recognition and rejection. Then they will conduct a workshop in which they will help the registered attendees to transform their appearance and find their drag side.

If you would like to participate in the workshop, which will last two and a half hours, please send us a letter of motivation to before September 17. We will notify of the selection on September 24. There are only 25 places.

If you just want to attend the talk and watch the workshop, you can do it for free until full capacity is reached.