ODS En Corto 2024

Data: October 31, 2024
Time: 9.00 A. m.
LlocAula Magna, Campus of Gandia, UPV

The 3rd edition of the Short Film Festival “ODS en corto” will celebrate its final screening on October 31st at the UPV in Gandia.

The third edition of theFestival de Curtmetratges “ODS en curto”. reaches its final phase with the screening of the 9 selected short films. The event will take place on the next31 October at 9.00 A. m. in the Aula Magna of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) at Gandia.

This event, which is consolidated as a reference for the student cinema, has counted this year with the participation ofmore than 617 short films from all over the world. The works have been carried out by higher education students and deal with topics related to theSustainable Development Goals (SDGs)in line with theAgenda 2030.

During the event, two prizes will be awarded: one for the Best short film according to the criteria of the jury and another one at the Public awardthanks to the collaboration of the PLUTÓ Cultural Association.

The festival is a unique opportunity to showcase young talent and its commitment to sustainability, and promises to be an inspiring day for all attendees. Admission is free and open to all interested members of the public.