Artistic Residency 2024


Artistic Residency

Artistic Residency ai2 – Laboratory of Synthetic Biology and Biosystems Control UPV


Until December 30, 2023



3rd Edition Artists in Residence Program UPV ai2

We invite all those interested in interdisciplinary research and the field of art to submit a project related to the objectives and lines of research of the  Synthetic Biology and Biosystems Control Laboratory UPV. Synthetic biology currently offers many expectations in the food sector, construction or fashion, while generating numerous controversies. We invite you to participate in this call, contributing from diverse identities, how to explain the transformations, applications and implications that synthetic biology introduces in different areas of society? Is it possible to include an intersectional point of view in scientific-technical practices to avoid biases?

If you want to carry out an artistic project within the framework of the  Synthetic Biology and Biosystems Control Laboratorywith the collaboration of the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Cultural Action Area of the UPV and the Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània (CCCC), download and read these documents carefully to prepare your application.

Amount of residency

  • An amount of €3,000 for the artist
  • Up to €8,500 for production expenses
  • Up to €2,500 for travel, lodging and meals

Documents requested

  • A short video (up to 1 min) of personal testimony in which the artist explains why he/she is applying for the residency.
  • Description of the artwork to be researched and created as part of the residency.
  • Brief description of the artist’s expectations regarding collaboration with scientists and resources needed.
  • Project production plan for artistic research, timeline and cost estimate.
  • CV and portfolio showing the artist’s selected work.
  • Completed and signed registration form, accessible at:

If you have any questions about the procedure, please write to us at

Selection Committee

  • Jesús Picó (Dept. of Systems Engineering and Automatics. Universitat Politécnica de València)
  • Alejandro Vignoni (Department of Systems Engineering and Automatics; Universitat Politécnica de València. Chair iGEM Engineering Committee)
  • Tere Badía (R+D+i in Art and Culture, Cultural Policies, Cultural Cooperation and intersectorial dynamics)
  • Diego Díaz (Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design. Universitat Jaume I. Castellón)
  • María José Martínez de Pisón (Director of Cultural Action Area, Polytechnic University of Valencia)

Organized by

Organized by the Vice-Rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society (UPV) with the support of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Universities, and the collaboration of the Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània (CCCC).

With the collaboration of