Course 2019 or earlier
PAC Activities
- [PAC 2019] Seminar: “Public Art Dialogues”.
- [PAC 2019] ODS Workshop
- [PAC 2019] Opera: La Mare dels Peixos (The Lady of the Fishes)
- [PAC 2019] Leonardo da Vinci: the hidden musician.
- [PAC 2019] Harp and singing concert
- [PAC 2019] VII Mouthfuls of Cinema
- [PAC 2019] 7th Edition – Exhibition of results
- [PAC 2019] Ghana Kente Day
- [PAC 2019] IV Conference on Art and Activism against Gender Violence
- [PAC 2019] Memory of the retreat, 1939
- [PAC 2019] Creative Resistances in the Age of Extinctions Workshop
- [PAC 2019] MMM* Fest Day: The slightest movement
- [PAC 2019] 3rd Conference on Valencian hidden heritage
- [PAC 2019] Scratch Day – Learn to program!
- [PAC 2019] English-language theater: Behind the Cookie
- [PAC 2019] MEVArt: Electronic Music and Video Art
- [PAC 2019] Joan Soriano: Solo percussion, electronics and video
- [PAC 2019] Exhibition “Houses to play in”.
- [PAC 2019] Valentia workshop, the art of creating a micro-nation
- [PAC 2019] An evening at the opera
- [PAC 2019] Migrant Narratives: I Meeting of performing and performative arts from the South.
- [PAC 2019] Exhibition “Non-sexist language, do you use it?”
- [PAC 2019] International conference “Taste in the museum”.
- [PAC 2019] Conference “Memory unearthed. The graves of Paterna”.
- [PAC 2019] Workshop on conscious personal productivity: the power of focus.
- [PAC 2019] Retrópolis Valencia
- [PAC 2019] 19th Radio City International Short Film Festival
- [PAC 2019] I International Festival of Minimal Urban Video Performances
- [PAC 2019] Conference on research, reflection-action and innovation in management and public administration
- [PAC 2019] Exhibition of the best photos of the II Guille Martí Revillo Photography Competition
- [PAC 2019] ETSA-TOPIA Architecture Festival “FRACTURES”.
- [PAC 2019] Film Lessons: Nacho Ruipérez
- [PAC 2019] Creative writing workshop
- [PAC 2019] Castanet initiation workshop
- [PAC 2019] International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- [PAC 2019] FEM. Exhibition of artistic production
- [PAC 2019] Lecture and Performance by Rubén Barroso
- [PAC 2019] Film Lessons: José Pozo
- [2019-20] Do you paint or draw? A walk through the art of the hand of comics
- [2019-20] The IVAM collection at the UPV
- [2019-20] A.N.C.A. A collective creation experience 1989-1994.
- [2018-19] Civil War and post-war period.
- [2018-19] ART AL QUADRAT
- [2018-19] Non-sexist language, do you use it?
- [2018-19] Obrint portes. Falles innovadores a la ciutat de València.
- [2018-19] Scientific Photography. Luis Monje