Cultural Classrooms
Narrative Classroom

October 19th, 2023 to May 16th, 2024
Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Grade Room, 2nd floor. Student House
Teachers: Lidia Caro Leal & Marta Salvador Vélez
What drives us to write? Does narrative have a purpose? How to sustain a story over pages and pages? In this 30-session course, we will learn about the fiction pact, the different narrative genres, narrators and their peculiarities, and how to build plots, characters and scenes, as well as all those aspects that constitute the basis for the creation of literary texts.
Encourage reading and writing through practice and collective reflection on the proposed texts as a preliminary step to finding one’s own voice and the ability to produce narrative texts.
Poetry Classroom “POLIMNIA 222”.

Building 7B – ETS Design Engineering, Pedro Coca Classroom
Workshop 1: Botany of Poetry
Date: From September 12th to December 19th, 2023
Schedule:Tuesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Teacher: Maria Del Pilar Verdú Del Campo
The workshop is aimed at anyone interested in improving their competence in reading and/or writing poems. We will approach the world of poetry, as readers and as poets, through the knowledge of its history, resources and expressive possibilities, in order to evaluate and write poetic texts.
- The nature of poetry.
- Thinking the poem from the ANIMAL point of view
- How a poem is nurtured, organized, breathed, moved, reproduced.
Workshop 2: Zoology of the poem
Date: January 9th to April 30th, 2024
Schedule: Tuesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Teacher: Maria Del Pilar Verdú Del Campo
The workshop is aimed at anyone interested in improving their competence in reading and/or writing poems. We will approach the world of poetry, as readers and as poets, through the knowledge of its history, resources and expressive possibilities, in order to evaluate and write poetic texts.
- The nature of poetry.
- Thinking the poem from the VEGETAL and the rest of the kingdoms.
- How a poem is nurtured, organized, breathed, moved, reproduced.
Electronic Music Classroom

Classroom A-3-6 Audiovisual Laboratory 3M Building, Faculty of Fine Arts
Workshop 1: Bedroom Producer Theory
Date: September 15th to November 24th, 2023
Schedule: Fridays from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Professor: Diego Vicente Navarro Catalán
We will begin by creating a theoretical basis that will help to understand the field of contemporary electronic music and demonstrate the continuous relationship between the forms of musical expression and the socio-cultural contexts in which they originate. Analyzing the characteristic elements of different musical scenes.
- Introduction To Contemporary Electronics
- Y2K
- Trance: Paradise Lost
- Dancing With Fury: The Horizon Bpm
- Ether: The Ambient Tour
- After: The Mental Dance
- Save Rooms: Sensory Feedback In Video Games
- The Zone: Rhythm Games
- La Vida Color Chicle: The Hyperpop
- Y2k Essentials
Workshop 2: Bedroom Producer Practice
Date: From January 12th to March 22th, 2024
Schedule: Fridays from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Professor: Diego Vicente Navarro Catalán
A course dedicated to work on the application of elements extracted from active listening to musical practice, developing a set of skills sufficient to handle contemporary music production software and create a musical language of its own but aware of its roots.
- Introduction to music theory simplified with practical focus
- Use of samples
- Synthesis
- Sound Design for audiovisual media
- Automation processes
- Creative use of Arpeggios
- Free construction or over grid
Performing Arts Classroom

Building 9F – Performing Arts Building. Vera Campus
Workshop 1: Initiation
Date: From October 17th, 2023 to February 13th, 2024
Schedule: Tuesdays from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Teachers: Marc Brell i Lçopez and Jodie Di Napoli Algarra
The key concept of the Initiation Workshop is the integration of dramatic art in an academic and professional context and the performance of improvisations, monologues and dramatic scenes as a space that generates the integral and creative development of the human being. The Workshop is aimed primarily at all those interested in exploring the field of theatrical practice.
The Aula de Teatro aims to integrate dramatic art in an academic and professional context and to serve as a space that generates the integral and creative development of the human being through theatrical practice. The space of the Aula is that of a Laboratory that investigates and generates new ideas and forms of development of dramatic expression and that of a Workshop where to put them into practice.
The workshop puts into practice known theatrical acting methods such as those of Sanford Meisner, Michael Chekov, Uta Hagen, Stella Adler, Viola Spolin and Ruth Zaporah, which propose how to work with the body and voice and help to generate a methodology of teamwork. From the beginning of the course, participants will begin to work directly on the preparation of scenes and characters, with the objective of promoting artistic development on stage through dramatic games, improvisations and preparation of monologues and scenes.
Group work helps participants to experience different ways of staging improvisations and to analyze and prepare monologues and scenes according to their dramatic potential.
Workshop 2: Theater production
Date: From March 26 to June 23nd, 2024
Schedule: Tuesdays from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Teachers: Marc Brell i Lçopez and Jodie Di Napoli Algarra
The Performing Arts Classroom aims to integrate the dramatic arts in an academic and professional context and to serve as a space that generates the integral and creative development of the human being through theatrical practice. The space of the Classroom is that of a Laboratory that investigates and generates new ideas and forms of development of dramatic expression and that of a Workshop where to put them into practice.
From the beginning of the course, participants will begin to work directly on the preparation of scenes and characters, with the objective of promoting artistic development on stage through dramatic games, improvisations and preparation of monologues and scenes.
The members of the Aula de Teatro take an active part in all the activities related to the production process and staging of a theatrical production, such as construction, transportation and assembly of scenery, lighting, sound, costumes, etc.
Audiovisual Classroom

October 16th to 26th, 2023
From 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th, Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th, Monday 23nd and Tuesday 24th.
From 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th
Grade Room, 2nd floor. Student House
Teachers: Cristian Font Soriano and Pascual Ibañez Fernández
The course will introduce students to the techniques and knowledge necessary to record and edit audiovisuals with basic equipment. The course is aimed at professionals in the cultural sector interested in learning about the video creation process in all its phases, from the initial idea to the final editing.
- Main audiovisual narrative procedures.
- Script proposal. Planning and technical script.
- Recording. Types of devices. Video camera, photo camera, cell phone.
- Video editing. Basic techniques.
- Editing with archive material. Internet videos. Management and storage.
- Qualifications. Generic. Subtitles. Credits.
- Sound. Direct sound. Effects and music. Audio editing.
- Digital effects. Color adjustments. Finishing.
- Broadcast formats and channels: HD. Video for Internet.
- Review of the procedure. Applications of the process to any type of audiovisual.