Space n-1
“The multiple must be made, not by always adding a higher dimension, but rather in the simplest of ways, by dint of sobriety, with the number of dimensions one already has available always n – 1 (the only way the one belongs to the multiple: always subtracted). Subtract the unique from the multiplicity to be constituted; write at n – 1 dimensions”.
Deleuze y Guattari. A Thousand Plateaus
- «Releyendo el Fondo de Arte UPV» exhibitionOpening postponed to 14 March at 1 p.m.
- “Conexiones Lúcidas” ExhibitionFrom 15 de gener to 26 de febrer de 2025 in Espai n-1, Central Library UPV
- Solidarity exhibition En Acció 2024Buy art and contribute to a charitable cause. From December 9 to 20, 2024.
- Zaramella. Between reality and animationThe exhibition can be visited from September 12 to November 22 at the Space n-1 of the UPV.
- A Wounded Matrix. Cracks of artificial creativityFrom April 25th to July 16th, 2024. Espai N-1, Central Library, Universitat Politècnica de València The exhibition A wounded matrix. Cracks of creativity brings together artists and professionals of design and artistic research to reflect on the collaboration between agents of human creativity and neural networks. A wounded matrix approaches the debate on the growing automation of creative processes from the point of view of its cracks and gray spaces, its impossibilities and limits, paradoxes and escapes; The space n-1 of the Universitat Politècnica de València will host from next April 25th to July 16th. This exhibition, organized by the UPV in… Read more: A Wounded Matrix. Cracks of artificial creativity
- The exile from 39 to the comic. Vignettes on the borderInauguration: Friday, March 8th at 1:30 p.m. March 8th to April 16th, 2024 Space n-1, first floor General Library UPV (building 4L) This exhibition offers a sample -with different styles and aesthetics- of more than sixty comic strips in albums or magazines published since the seventies of the last century and written in different languages, from Catalan to èuscar. There are vignettes and drawings donated by different authors. Commissioners: Francisco Collado Cerveró and Josep-Vicent Garcia Raffi Share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Pinterest
- Unfocused: migration and refugee storiesPHOTOGRAPHIC AND IMMERSIVE EXHIBITION From February 14th to March 2nd, 2024Space n-1, first floor General Library UPV (building 4L). See mapInauguration: Wednesday, February 14th at 6:30 p.m. Commissariat:Fernando Canet and Adrian Mantilla Last June marked the fifth anniversary of the arrival of the humanitarian rescue ship in the port of Valencia.Aquarius. This boat, chartered by Médecins Sans Frontières and SOS Mediterranee, saved 629 people from drowning in the central Mediterranean off the coast of Libya. That episode triggered an unprecedented crisis within the EU – still unresolved – that dynamited the already weak common migration policy. More than 600 journalists… Read more: Unfocused: migration and refugee stories
- RenaissanceContemporary Art Festival Exhibition FROM 17 NOVEMBER 2023 TO 19 JANUARY 2024OPENING 17 NOVEMBER 2023 AT 13:00 H.SPACE N-1. BUILDING 4L, UPV CENTRAL LIBRARY The Intersectoral Festival of Contemporary Art from Ukraine and Spain: ‘RENAISSANCE’ is a joint initiative of the CultUcrania platform, the French Institute and the Universitat Politècnica de València, which participates through the Vice-Rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society and the Faculty of Fine Arts thanks to the University-Refuge Action Plan of the Ministry of Universities. The main objective of this project is to carry out a cultural and psychological support action through intercultural dialogue between… Read more: Renaissance
- Culture and technological changeEXHIBITION │ Culture and technological change: heritage UPV September 20 to October 27, 2023 Space N-1, General Library UPV (building 4L, first floor) Brochure_exhibition.pdf The Art and Heritage Fund Area of the UPV is planning this exhibition with the aim of enhancing the value of the funds that make up its collections and exploring new approaches and readings to establish convergent dialogues around art, science and technology. The great impact of science and technology on culture and society is unquestionable and has been taking place since the beginning of humanity, with the invention of the simplest instruments to the most complex… Read more: Culture and technological change
- ArtFutura 30Exhibition: “ArtFutura 30”. From March 1st to April 3rd, 2023 Espai n-1, ground floor of the General Library (building 4L) ArtFutura 30 is an exhibition journey through the thirty editions of the ArtFutura festival of digital culture and creativity which, since 1990 and to date, has consolidated itself as a reference point in the international panorama of digital art, interaction design, 3D animation, virtual reality and new media. ArtFutura’s screenings, exhibitions, conferences, workshops, interactive installations and performances have reached more than twenty cities including Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Ibiza, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Montevideo, Palma de Mallorca, Paris, Rome and Saint Brieuc among… Read more: ArtFutura 30
- Poverty and shelterExhibition: “POVERTY AND SHELTER”. Inauguration, Friday, May 12th, 2023 at 12:30 p.m. Project by Jordi Oliver and Paloma Cerdà The Universitat Politècnica de València presents POVERTY AND SHELTER. This project explores the possibilities of the photographic image as a tool for social denunciation, and proposes to promote access to the collections of the University Library in order to build a more critical image of the structural causes of poverty and inequality, the need for asylum or the lack of decent housing. The sensitivity and delicacy of Jordi Oliver’s photography gives us a glimpse of the people behind these processes, which make… Read more: Poverty and shelter
- SaramagoSARAMAGO. Maybe only silence exists… A sound installation by Joan Cerveró From November 16th to January 31st, 2023 (Saturdays included) Space n-1 (first floor General Library) Building 4L José Saramago wrote in one of his Lanzarote Notebooks: ‘All the characteristics of my current narrative technique (I would prefer to say: of my style) come from a basic principle according to which everything “said” is destined to be “heard”’. With this premise, it is not surprising that one of the most direct and intense ways to penetrate the real – or imaginary – world of the Portuguese Nobel Prize winner is sound:… Read more: Saramago
- 30 years of IDEAS UPVExhibition “30 years of IDEAS UPV” From September 30th to October 10th, 2022 Exhibition Hall Space N-1 The exhibition brings together the products and services of the most outstanding companies and startups born in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the UPV, from its creation in 1992 to the present day. A catalogue of innovations that have revolutionised their sectors and have consolidated the university as a benchmark for talent and good ideas. The exhibition will be divided into 6 different areas: Opening: Friday, September 30th at 12.30 p.m. Share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Pinterest
- Futuritat. The life of materialsMAY 25th, 2022 – JULY 8th, 2022 Space n-1 Hall of the Central Library Building (Building 4L) Futurity is a condition of the future that maintains a close connection with the present moment in which it is enunciated. In Futuritat, this connection unfolds as a vector running through the desires, needs and probabilities that this life of materials will come about as we imagine it. This vector also runs through the philosophical, scientific, anthropological, aesthetic and social implications of the history of materials, a multiplicity of disciplines that reinforce its function as a medium. Because of this quality of mediation,… Read more: Futuritat. The life of materials