Vera’s campus
A commitment to innovation and constant improvement to adapt the facilities to new trends and new technologies.

Main building 7C

Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 11.00 p.m.
(access to changing rooms 30 min before)
If you need personalized attention or any administrative procedure, you can find us in this building on the second floor from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 14:00 and Tuesday from 16:00 to 18:00.
First floor:
- Weight training room
- Soft Tatami
- Hard tatami
- changing rooms and lockers
Second floor:
- Aerobics room
- Activity room
- Management offices
Outdoor areas:
- Athletic track
- Beach volleyball court
- Soccer/ rugby field
5R building

Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.
(acceso a vestuarios 30 min antes del cierre)
First floor:
- changing rooms and lockers
Second floor:
- Sala blava
- Cardio room
- Spinning room
- Espai Obert
Outdoor areas
- Soccer field
- 2 7-a-side soccer fields
Sports Pavilion 6A

Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
(access to changing rooms 30 min before closing time)
First floor:
- 2 indoor soccer / handball courts
- 4 basketball courts
- 2 volleyball courts
- 2 badminton courts
- Indoor climbing wall
- Boulder
- Campus board
- changing rooms and lockers
Second floor:
- Indoor paddle tennis court
- 2 squash courts
- Equipment storage room
- changing rooms and lockers
Outdoor areas
Trinquet Politècnic el Genoves 9A

Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.
(access to changing rooms 30 min before closing time)
First floor:
- 2 squash courts
- 3 table tennis tables
- 2 frontons
- Trinquet
- changing rooms and lockers
Second floor:
- Weapons room
- Recording studio
- Cycling track
- Outdoor volleyball court
- Outdoor indoor soccer field
- Basketball court
UPV Swimming Pool
Administrative concession, ask at the pool itself about the sports program and access.
- pool 50 m
- small pool
- changing rooms and lockers

Normativa de uso de las instalaciones.
Campus de Vera
- Who can access the sports facilities?
- Timetable for use and reservation of sports facilities
- Cómo reservar las instalaciones deportivas
- How to access the facilities for individual use
- General conditions of use of sports facilities
- Conditions of use of each sports facility
- Sanctions
- Reservation instructions for student delegations
- Responsible declaration of access to the rocky area
Circuito de running exterior

Un recorrido de 4 km dedicado a mujeres deportistas destacadas a lo largo de la historia.
¿Cómo reservo las instalaciones?
Reserva a socios
Reserva gratuita para socios en cualquiera de los tres campus.
Reserva desde 8 días antes.
Reserva a entidades
Reservas puntuales para entidades o asociaciones deportivas.
Reserva con 15 días de antelación.
Uso libre
Entrada individual, gratuita y exclusiva para socios.
No necesitan reserva previa.
Vera: pista de atletismo, rocódromo, boulder y velódromo.
Gandia: rocódromo y tenis de mesa.