Chair Basketball

The wheelchair basketball team is made up of 27 people and 2 volunteers who are currently competing in the third national category against teams such as Básquet Girona, FC Barcelona, Granada or Melilla. Valencian wheelchair basketball is positioned in the national scene with this addition to the UPV IN project.

For its part, the intellectual disability basketball team has about thirty members, many of them from the Fundació Espurna de Gandia.

This project does not have as its first objective to compete in competitions FEDI CV, although it has been raised in the medium term. At present, this model of inclusion leads to organize next December an inclusive tournament where people with and without intellectual disabilities participate together.

Intellectual Basketball

If we read ADIV at reverse, we read life… and that’s what we are looking to improve the life from thesecollectives from people.

Our project inclusive, search normalize the sport adapted y the diversity at the society,

by promoting these values, the brands that support us transmit these values to society. For us, the person is the center, that is why we will promote those projects so that all people can practice sport.