Reserve to entities

Specific reservation for sports entities and associations.

If you are interested in reserving a facility for your sports project, please consult the rates for each facility.

Request your installation by polisolicita with a minimum period of 15 days so that your project can be evaluated. Our response time is 7 working days.


Facility reservation fee

InstallationHourly rate mornings
(until 14.59)
Late hour rate
(from 15.00)
1 day rate
Sports pavilion1.680
Climbing wall-boulder36.50490
Athletic track550
Athletics track (street)15.50
Velodrome (street)15.50
Weight room840
Weight room pavilion53.50633
Aerobic room53.50633
Hard tatami53.50633
Soft tatami53.50633
11-a-side soccer / Rugby artificial turf83.501.080
Soccer 11/ Rugby natural grass83.501.080
Indoor soccer / Handball41.50800
Basketball / Volleyball420
Outdoor indoor soccer420
Basketball/ Outdoor Volleyball420
7-a-side soccer51.50780
Beach Volleyball340
Table tennis7.5088
The reservation of the sports pavilion and trinquete includes only the space of the sports courts, not the rest of the facilities.
When specialized technical personnel is required or when the use of the spaces is made on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, these prices shall be increased by the amount that, according to the regulations in force, the personnel required to use the space or facility must receive.

Access to polisolicita


Consulta las normas presupuestarias de la UPV completas en este enlace

Instalaciones por campus