Support to combine studies and sports
Your passage through college made easier
All students enrolled at the Universitat Politècnica de València who can prove their status as High Level Athlete or High Performance or Elite Athlete in accordance with the current applicable regulations can benefit from the advantages of the High Level program.
Please give us at least 15 days notice so that we can process your application at your school.
Advantages for high level athletes
- Assignment of a tutor.
- Exemption from punctual class attendance.
- Postponement of evaluable activities: practices, exams, etc., when they coincide with the participation in official competitions.
- Change of group to make it possible for them to attend official training sessions, matches or official concentrations.
- Academic exchange program. In the awarding of academic exchange scholarships, the condition of high-performance athlete will be taken into account.
- Psychological and motivational support program through attendance to seminars, conferences and sessions programmed for this purpose by the Sports Area.
- Periodic follow-up and mentoring on other activities and programs existing at the UPV.
- Access to the specific high-level weight room.