III Generación Espontánea Congress

In the III Generación Espontánea Congress our teams will show their projects and achievements full of vigour.

The congress will take place on Friday, April 26th in the Paraninfo and we will have various performances, lectures, activities and an exhibition of prototypes of the teams.

We want to tell you that for the merchandising that we are preparing we have the project  Miluna who is sewing us some beautiful tote bags reusing fabric scraps.

The congress has been partially funded by the  Regional Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism

The deadline for registration of the teams for their participation in the congress is until March 14 at 14:00h in the following  link. It is open and free to the entire university community, as we want to show you the great initiatives that our students have developed. You can visit the  congress website for more information!

If you have any problem with the registration, please get in touch: congresos@cfp.upv.es