Access here to all the documents to support you may need to manage the group’s activities.
How to create a Generación Espontánea group
Brief guide explaining the process and steps for the creation of a new Generación Espontánea group.
ECTS Credit Certification Policy
This document explains the details about the conditions that must be met for any activity to be rewarded with ECTS Credits certification. In particular, on page 30 of the document, the specific conditions for the Generación Espontánea program appear.
FAQ Financial Management
Do you have any questions about how to make a purchase? How to manage an invoice? These and many other questions are answered in this document.
Generación Espontánea Regulations
This document contains the operating rules of the Generación Espontánea Program. It specifies issues such as who can participate in the teams, the coordination role or the Program’s governing bodies.
Financial management forms
In this file you will find most of the documents that you may need to manage the expense: third party registration, foreign currency payment request, order request and attachments. You will download a compressed file in ZIP format with all the documents. Remember that you will have to unzip the file to be able to access the documents.
Oficial logos of Generación Espontánea, Universitat Politècnica de València and Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes y Emprendimiento