GE Breakfast Round 2022-2023 is over!
During Thursdays in November, the Generación Espontánea Breakfasts took place at the Vera Campus, where the groups got to know each other, shared their ideas and doubts about team management and talked about possible collaborations between them. See you soon at the Gandía and Alcoy Campus breakfasts!

Check out our latest news
- Final resolution of the 2nd Economic Call for Generación Espontánea Projects Course 2024-2025
- Final resolution of the 2nd Call for Generación Espontánea equipment, academic year 2024-2025
- Provisional resolution of the 2nd Call for Generación Espontánea projects, academic year 2024-2025
- 2nd Financial Call for Generación Espontánea Projects Year 2024-2025