Gandia Campus

The Generación Espontánea program is a launch pad for initiatives that come entirely from the university’s students. It maximises the much-acclaimed transversal competences and the figure of the student-mentor.


Biblioclub EPSG

BiblioClub is a group open to all EPSG members. It is a space where it is intended to encourage reading and living together literary experiences. The dynamics of the BiblioClub consists of weekly meetings in which we will talk about …

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Polímono is a theater group of the UPV – EPSG formed by students who seek to develop their artistic and cultural talent through dramatic and scenic expression. The activities we carry out are mainly the improvisation and the scenic representation …

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Design and Art

El Ático EPSG

The association “El Ático” is an audiovisual production company in the EPSG made by and for students that aims to help UPV students in whatever they need, to develop or distribute their audiovisual projects, whether we have participated in them …

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Environmental and sustainability

L’Hortet EPSG

L’Hortet EPSG is a group that emerges from the concern of several students of environmental science degree to learn through practice everything we have been seeing in the classroom, such as knowledge of soil science, zoology or botany.

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Motor and aviation

Science and Tech
