From Generación Espontánea we have organized a conference by Dan Kaufman, Director of Google’s ATAP program (Advanced Technologies and Projects). Previously Kaufman worked for the US Government at the well-known DARPA where, among other things, the Internet was invented.
Currently at Google ATAP he leads projects such as ARA for the design of modular mobiles, Jacquard, which aims to transform any fabric into a tactile surface with which to interact with the mobile or Soli, which is a chip that integrates a radar to detect sub-millimeter movements.
Dan Kaufman will present the main initiatives of Google ATAP and, in addition, the group of students Makers UPV will present some of the projects they are working on. At the end there will be an open question and answer session.

If you want to attend, registration is free and you only have to fill in your details here:
The conference will take place on Tuesday, March 21 at 12:30 pm in the Assembly Hall of the Blue Cube of the Polytechnic City of Innovation at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
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