Alcoy Campus
The Generación Espontánea program is a launch pad for initiatives that come entirely from the university’s students. It maximises the much-acclaimed transversal competences and the figure of the student-mentor.


We are a group passionate about communication, located on the Alcoy campus, and our main goal is to help you improve your communication skills. Through workshops, essays, lectures and many other dynamic activities, we provide you with the necessary tools …
Design and Art
Environmental and sustainability

Prunus Lab
We seek to apply sustainability concepts in projects related to the improvement of cities, products and people’s lives.
Motor and aviation

EPSA Moto-E is a project of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Alcoy campus, hereinafter UPV. This project aims to design and build a prototype electric motorcycle competition, the goal of this is to compete in various championships, both international and …

In the UPV Eco-marathon group of the EPSA we aim to develop a prototype of a fuel-efficient vehicle to participate in the annual international Shell Eco-Marathon competition.
Science and Tech

DIY-3D (Do it Yourself)
DIY-3D is a Generación Espontánea Group that drives modular design and creative self-experimentation. Its essence lies in doing it yourself, learning to master advanced tools in our FABLAB lab, and exploring limitless imagination and personal ambition. With technologies such as …

Interactive UPV EPSA
Interactive UPV works on numerous Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality projects, focusing on the development of both 2D and 3D videogames.

The EPSA Robotics and Mechatronics Group is a group formed by students and professors with the aim of promoting and expanding the knowledge acquired in the field of robotics and mechatronics in the environment close to the university. Constituted by …

NeuroDesign UPV
Do consumers’ emotions affect their consumption? This and other related questions is what the Generación Espontánea Group Neurodesign UPV answers. Our mission is to study consumers from the emotional perspective of their behaviors. Thanks to these studies and analyses carried …