This group emerges from the concern of several students of the degree of environmental sciences to learn through practice everything we have been seeing in the classroom, such as knowledge of soil science, zoology or botany. The purpose of this project is to learn the techniques of soil work and improve them, applying the knowledge acquired. We would pay attention to the planting cycles that respect the school year, the lunar cycles, the associations of vegetable crops, etc. In the first instance, the vegetable garden will be a small production that we can carry out with the small group that we are initially, which over time we hope to increase according to the willingness and involvement of the collaborators. The growth will have to take place slowly and taking into account the time that can be invested, without reaching impossible tasks and objectives. On the other hand, we would like to be able to start making compound in order to take advantage of the beneficial uses it has for the crop. Within this idea, we think it could be interesting to involve the university community and promote the recycling of household garbage. Finally, we would like to focus the garden to the students of the degree through a series of practices coordinated with Professor Paloma Herrero.