Environmental management system emergencies
Emergency scenarios
Spillage of hazardous liquid material due to collision or car breakdown in the parking areas or roads of the UPV.
Unwanted evacuation of hazardous liquid material or material of a contaminating nature onto the ground.
Possible causes
Collision or car breakdown in the parking areas or roads of the UPV, due to carelessness or recklessness of the driver, poor maintenance of the parking lot, roads or vehicle, bad practice by the user.
Preventive measures
- Perform proper maintenance of the parking areas or roads of the UPV.
- Users of the university community accessing the UPV by vehicle must maintain the vehicle correctly, drive prudently and at a moderate speed.
Methods of action
1. – The user involved in the emergency, or failing that, the stage detector, notifies the Security Service (900 924 888, Ext. 18888) to inform them of the situation.
2.- The Security Service proceeds to:
- Cordon off the spill area and attempt to cut off the source of the spill emission.
- Eliminate all ignition sources from the area.
- Notify the Maintenance Service who will contact the concessionary company in charge of the exterior cleaning of the campus.
- Notify the Environmental Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038).
3.- The Maintenance Service proceeds to:
- Notify the concessionary company in charge of the exterior cleaning of the campus.
- Supervise the performance of the cleaning process.
- Evaluate and determine whether it is necessary to close the parking lot or a particular roadway as a result of the spill and communicate to Security Services when the parking lot and/or roadway can be reopened for use.
4.- The concessionary company in charge of the exterior cleaning of the campus proceeds to:
- Delimit the spill area with available absorbent material. Do not use sawdust, paper or other combustible material. In any case, prevent the spill from reaching the sewage system.
- Collect the spill properly. Clean and decontaminate the affected area.
- Ensure proper management of the hazardous waste generated by correctly packaging and labeling the waste and transferring it to the Environmental Unit for proper management.
Spillage of mercury dust due to tube or fluorescent lamp breakage at collection points (contribution areas) or storage and/or transfer of wasted fluorescent tubes or lamps.
This involves the release of mercury dust contained in fluorescent luminaires due to breakage in the containers used for the storage of fluorescent luminaire waste, as well as in the transfer of such waste.
Possible causes
- Rough handling of luminaires.
- Incorrect deposit in the container-
- Poor condition of the container.
- Excessive waste filling.
- Blow or fall.
Preventive measures
- Handle the lamps carefully to avoid breakage.
- Store lamps in containers designed for this purpose and that allow the separation of the different types of lamps.
- Prevent lamps from being mixed with other waste, such as luminaires and other electrical and electronic devices that may cause breakage.
- Ensure the good condition and correct assembly of the containers for lamps and their parts, as well as respect their filling limits.
- Prevent containers from being overfilled in an excessive and untidy manner to avoid possible bulging, which would increase the risk of breakage.
- Carefully place the lamps inside the container to avoid breakage.
- Deposit straight fluorescent tubes in the containers provided by the manager.
- Deposit lamp waste without cardboard or plastic packaging that may hinder its handling and subsequent treatment.
- Locate containers in covered, roofed and ventilated areas. In the event that containers are located in uncovered areas, they should be provided with a lid to prevent water or rain from entering.
- Access to the containers must be free of obstacles to facilitate handling and handling when they are removed by wheelbarrows, pallet trucks or other means.
- Containers should not be installed near heat sources, as they may accelerate the possible evaporation of mercury in case of accidental lamp breakage.
Response methods
1.- In case the lamp breaks in a closed room, it is important that the people who may be inside the room leave, and ventilate the room for at least fifteen minutes.
2.- To pick up the pieces of glass and dust it is better to do it with a piece of rigid cardboard instead of a broom, and then wipe the floor with a wet wipe. To protect yourself from possible cuts from glass shards, wear cut-resistant gloves. Do not use a conventional vacuum cleaner to clean up glass debris and dust, as vacuum cleaner filters do not retain mercury vapors.
3.- Deposit the pieces of glass and remains of the material used for cleaning in a bag and close it and then deliver it to the authorized manager of fluorescent tube waste of the UPV.
4.- In the case that the breakage occurs inside the container of the UPV’s fluorescent tube waste manager, this waste will not be collected. It should be left inside the container, since the Treatment Plant knows how to proceed with its collection.
5.- Notify the Environmental Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038).
Spillage of toner powder due to toner cartridge breakage in the UPV’s collection areas.
It concerns the spillage of toner dust resulting from the use of printers and photocopiers at the UPV.
Possible causes
- Poor condition of the toner cartridge.
- Incorrect storage of the cartridge.
- Incorrect cleaning process of the printer or photocopier.
- Cartridge hit or fall.
Preventive measures
- When cleaning the printer or photocopier, do not open the toner or shake it. Nor should it be shaken when the equipment warns of a lack of toner for printing.
- Particular care should be taken to avoid shocks, falls, chafing and impact of these products. Particularly during storage, transport or at the time of installation.
Response methods
1.- Clean up quickly with a damp cloth. May form explosive mixtures with air.
2.- Deposit the toner powder and other used cleaning material in a closed bag and manage as solid urban waste.
3.- Notify the Environment Unit (9638770638, Ext. 78955, 77038).
Spillage of hazardous products derived from exterior cleaning operations in the parking areas or roads of the UPV.
These are accidents related to the cleaning process of the exterior areas of the campus. This activity is carried out by external UPV personnel.
Possible causes
- Lack of emergency action protocol by the external company.
- Lack of adequate means of containment and spill collection.
- Lack of maintenance of exterior cleaning equipment.
- Lack of training of external personnel.
- Human error.
Preventive measures
– Include environmental emergency action requirements in contracting processes, such as:
- Environmental quality plan of the external company describing the measures to control, minimize and correct the environmental impacts of its activity, for example: those derived from situations such as the sweeper oil spill.
- Specific training in the treatment of spill situations to minimize risks to people and the environment.
– Availability of absorbent material in the external cleaning process.
– Proper maintenance of the external cleaning equipment, paying special attention to the hoses that connect the oil pump of the machines.
Response methods
1.- For the protection of people follow the indications of the “Preventive manual for action in case of leaks and spills in laboratories” made by the Integrated Service of Occupational Risk Prevention and available in the section “Specific action procedures” / “Specific emergencies” of its web page http://www.sprl.upv.es. If necessary, the Self-Protection Plan or the Emergency Measures of the entity. This will be initiated by notifying the building’s Emergency Chief and/or the UPV Security Service (Ext.78888).
2.- Cut off the source of the spillage. If the spill comes from a sweeper, stop the machine immediately.
3.- Delimit the spill area with available absorbent material. If flammable, do not use sawdust, paper or other combustible material. Pay special attention to areas near the spill that may have a greater environmental impact, such as sewers, landscaped areas, bodies of water, etc., to prevent the spill from reaching these places.
4.- The material with which the spilled liquid has been absorbed should be treated as hazardous waste, properly packaged and labeled.
5.- Once the spill has been properly collected, clean and decontaminate the affected area and request the removal of the waste to the Environmental Unit.
6.- Communicate the incident to the Unit responsible for the UPV’s external cleaning contract and to the UPV’s Environmental Unit so that it can proceed to evaluate the effectiveness of this protocol.
7.- If the magnitude of the spill and the circumstances require it, the company should notify the UPV Emergency Department (900 924 888).
8.- At the end of the emergency, notify:
- Environment Unit (96 3877038, Ext. 78955, 77038)
- Integrated Prevention and Occupational Health Service (963879018, Ext. 78400).
Spillage of hazardous products derived from maintenance operations of UPV equipment/facilities.
These are accidents related to maintenance operations of UPV equipment and/or facilities. This activity is carried out by UPV external personnel.
Possible causes
- Lack of emergency action protocol by the external company.
- Lack of adequate means of containment and spill collection.
- Lack of training of external personnel.
- Human error.
Preventive measures
- Provide the contracted external company with clear instructions on how to proceed to control, minimize and correct the environmental impacts of its activity, for example, those derived from situations such as the spillage of oil and other products as a result of maintenance operations.
- Require the availability of absorbent material at the time maintenance operations are carried out on UPV equipment and/or facilities.
Response methods
1.- For the protection of people follow the indications of the “Preventive manual for action in case of leaks and spills in laboratories” made by the Integrated Service of Occupational Risk Prevention and available in the section “Specific action procedures” / “Specific emergencies” of its web page http://www.sprl.upv.es. If necessary, the Self-Protection Plan or the Emergency Measures of the entity. which will be initiated by notifying the building’s Emergency Chief and/or the UPV Security Service (Ext. 78888).
2.- To cut off the source of the discharge emission.
3.- Delimit the spill area with available absorbent material. If flammable, do not use sawdust, paper or other combustible material. Pay special attention to areas near the spill that may have a greater environmental impact, such as sewers, landscaped areas, bodies of water, etc., to prevent the spill from reaching these places.
4.- The material with which the spilled liquid has been absorbed should be treated as hazardous waste, properly packaged and labeled.
5.- Communicate the incident to the person in charge of the UPV contract.
Once the spill has been properly collected, clean and decontaminate the affected area and request the removal of the waste from the Environmental Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038).
7.- The person in charge of the maintenance operations contract must communicate the incident to the UPV Environment Unit so that it can proceed to evaluate the effectiveness of this protocol.
8.- If the magnitude of the spill and the circumstances require it, the company should notify the UPV Emergency Department (900 924 888).
Spillage of chemical reagents/fuels/hazardous waste due to leaking or broken containers resulting from storage or transfer of chemical reagents and/or fuels and/or hazardous waste in physical, chemical and/or biological laboratories.
This is the uncontrolled spillage of chemical substances on the laboratory floor as a consequence of accidents related to the use and storage of chemical reagents and/or fuels and/or hazardous waste.
Possible causes
- Inaccessible Safety Data Sheets.
- Lack of absorbent material.
- Use of inadequate packaging.
- Incorrect product identification.
- Storage of products in inadequate areas or without taking into account incompatibilities.
- Excessive storage of chemicals/hazardous waste.
- Lack of training.
- Human error.
General rule
In most cases, spills are due to small amounts of product, and can be controlled and cleaned up by laboratory personnel. They are familiar with the substances involved, can respond quickly and are aware of the potential hazards in the area affected by the spill.
If the magnitude of the spill is large, or its danger is high, external assistance will be required, avoiding unnecessary exposure. In this case, the entity’s Self-Protection Plan or Emergency Measures should be activated, which should be initiated by notifying the building’s Emergency Chief and/or the UPV Security Service (Ext.78888).
Preventive measures
- Read the SDS before working with a product for the first time.
- Keep the SDS accessible in the places of use to be able to act according to the spill.
- To have the necessary adsorbents to collect the spills.
- To know how to use the adsorbents before starting to work in the laboratory.
- All personnel working in the laboratory should know how to proceed in an emergency situation. Students, when working in the laboratory, must be accompanied by a person in charge who knows how to proceed in an environmental emergency situation.
- Use suitable and correctly identified containers, both for the reagent/hazardous waste and for chemical mixtures or preparations.
- Chemicals must be properly grouped according to incompatibility criteria.
- Avoid unnecessary transfers.
- Carry out unavoidable transfers with the appropriate utensils and under extreme safety conditions.
- Minimize stocks inside the laboratory: The chemical products on the shelves of the workbenches should be limited to the minimum necessary and by requirement of use. They should be arranged in an orderly fashion and stored in a specific place.
- Maintain good order and cleanliness of the laboratory.
Response methods
1.- For the protection of people follow the indications of the “Preventive manual for action in case of leaks and spills in laboratories” made by the Integrated Service of Occupational Risk Prevention and available in the section “Specific action procedures” / “Specific emergencies” of its web page http://www.sprl.upv.es. If necessary, the Self-Protection Plan or the Emergency Measures of the entity. which will be initiated by notifying the Emergency Chief of the building and/or UPV Security Service (Ext.78888).
2.- Consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product and act according to the indications described therein. See section 6 of the SDS: “Accidental release measures”.
4.- Remember that:
- In the case of a flammable product; eliminate all ignition sources in the area.
- Attempt to cut off the source of the discharge emission.
- Consult the SDS of the product.
- Delimit the spill area with available absorbent material. If flammable, do not use sawdust, paper or other combustible material.
- The material with which the spilled liquid has been absorbed should be treated as hazardous waste, properly packaged and labeled.
5.- At the end of the emergency, notify:
- Environment Unit (963877038, Ext.78955, 77038).
- Integrated Prevention and Occupational Health Service (963879018, Ext. 78400).
Spillage and/or discharge of chemical reagents/hazardous waste to the sewage system due to flooding or earthquake in laboratories and/or specific chemical storage sites.
This is the uncontrolled spillage of chemical substances onto the ground or into the sewage system as a result of rainfall and/or earthquakes.
Possible causes
- Development of chemical-consuming activities in flood zones.
- Storage of chemicals and/or hazardous waste in flood zones.
- Lack of protocol for storage of products and/or waste in flood zones.
- Use of inadequate packaging.
- Excessive storage of chemicals/hazardous waste.
- Storage of chemical products at height or on inadequate shelves.
- Lack of training.
Preventive measures
- Avoid locating activities associated with the consumption of chemical products in flood zones.
- Avoid storing chemical products and/or hazardous waste in flood zones.
- Develop and implement a specific product and/or waste storage protocol for areas at risk of flooding.
- Limit the number of chemical products on the shelves of the work tables to the minimum necessary for their use. Maintain good order and cleanliness in storage.
- In any case, avoid storing chemical products on the ground in areas where there is a high risk of flooding.
Response methods
1.- For the protection of people follow the indications of the “Preventive manual for action in case of leaks and spills in laboratories” made by the Integrated Service of Occupational Risk Prevention and available in the section “Specific action procedures” / “Specific emergencies” of its web page http://www.sprl.upv.es. If necessary, the Self-Protection Plan or the Emergency Measures of the entity. which will be initiated by notifying the Emergency Chief of the building and/or UPV Security Service (Ext.78888).
2.- In case of spill/spill due to earthquake; Consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product and act according to the indications described therein. See section 6 of the SDS: “Accidental release measures”.
3.- Remember that:
- It is necessary to delimit the area with available absorbent material. If flammable, do not use sawdust, paper or other combustible material.
- The material with which the spilled liquid has been absorbed should be treated as hazardous waste, properly packaged and labeled.
At the end of the emergency, notify:
- Environment Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038).
- Integrated Prevention and Occupational Health Service (963879018, Ext. 78400).
Depending on the extent of discharge into the sewage system:
The Environment Unit:
- assesses the need to stop pumping wastewater from the campus receiving the discharge based on the nature of the substances discharged.
- notifies the incident to the competent authorities providing all the necessary information.
- notifies the sewage treatment plant in case the discharge exceeds the internal network of the campus and evaluates the need to clean the sewage network.
- controls and monitors the physical and chemical parameters of wastewater to ensure that they remain within legal limits.
The Maintenance Service:
- Evaluates the damage caused to the sewage system.
The Integrated Occupational Health and Safety Service:
- Evaluates the conditions under which the event occurred in order to propose corrective measures to prevent a recurrence of the incident.
Worsening of chemical products or preparations by fire or explosion in physical, chemical or biological laboratories.
Worsening of substances or products used in the laboratory due to fire or explosion generated by mixing/reaction of incompatible chemicals.
- Incorrect storage of chemical products.
- Incorrect waste segregation.
- Improper use of combustible material in the event of a flammable product spill.
- Working with products in a laboratory outside a fume cupboard can create an explosive atmosphere.
Preventive measures
- Read the SDS before working with a product for the first time.
- Keep the SDS accessible in the places of use.
- Store chemical reagents according to incompatibility criteria.
- Work in suitable conditions (fume cupboards) with those chemical products that are unstable and that can create an explosive atmosphere.
- Properly segregate waste according to the waste groups established by the Environmental Unit. Store hazardous waste containers according to the incompatibilities between them.
- Have the necessary adsorbents to collect spills. Spills of flammable products should be absorbed with activated carbon or other specific commercially available absorbents. Sawdust should never be used because of its flammability.
Response method
1.- For the protection of people follow the indications of the “Preventive manual for action in case of leaks and spills in laboratories” made by the Integrated Service of Occupational Risk Prevention and available in the section “Specific action procedures” / “Specific emergencies” of its web page http://www.sprl.upv.es.
2.- To manage the waste generated as established in the different waste management procedures.
3.- Notify to:
- Environment Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038), medioambiente@upvnet.upv.es
Worsening of refrigerated chemical products or preparations in laboratories due to lack of power supply
Worsening of substances or chemical products used that must be refrigerated during storage, especially hazardous substances.
Possible causes
Lack of electrical energy produced by unforeseen external causes, or by accidents affecting any element of the UPV electrical network.
Preventive measures
- Establish preventive maintenance plans for the generators that must generate electricity in the event of a power failure.
- To have uninterruptible power supply systems in those points where sudden voltage drops could cause problems in equipment.
- Have a minimum stock of substances whose sensitivity to temperature could pose a risk.
Response methods
1.- If necessary, the entity’s Self-Protection Plan or the Emergency Measures available on the web page of the Integrated Occupational Health and Safety Service must be activated http://www.sprl.upv.es. If necessary, the entity’s Self-Protection Plan or Emergency Measures should be activated.
2.- Turn off electrical or electronic equipment to prevent it from being damaged as a result of surges until the power supply is restored to normal.
3.- Try to keep temperature-sensitive products refrigerated, either by means of auxiliary elements (ice, insulating elements, etc.) or by moving them to alternative locations not affected by the power cut.
4.- Rearm the batteries of the equipments that have them, such as the fire stations.
5.- To manage the waste generated as established in the different waste management procedures.
6.- Notify to:
- Environment Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038), medioambiente@upvnet.upv.es
Fuel leakage due to tank rupture (buried or above ground) at UPV
These are accidents related to the rupture of the fuel storage tank.
Possible causes
- Poor state of conservation of the reservoir.
- Lack of review or inspection.
- Hit with an object.
Preventive measures
- To carry out the corresponding periodic reviews and inspections of the oil installations.
- Make sure that the tanks are double-walled or, failing that, that they are installed inside a bucket. That way, if the tank is cracked, the fuel will not spill out.
- Have absorbent material available in sufficient quantity to deal with any accidental spillage. Do not use sawdust, paper or other combustible material.
Response methods
1.- For the protection of people follow the indications of the “Preventive manual for action in case of leaks and spills in laboratories” made by the Integrated Service of Occupational Risk Prevention and available in the section “Specific action procedures” / “Specific emergencies” of its web page http://www.sprl.upv.es. If necessary, the Self-Protection Plan or the Emergency Measures of the entity. This will be initiated by notifying the building’s Emergency Chief and/or the UPV Security Service (Ext.78888).
2.- Attempt to cut off the source of the discharge emission.
3.- Delimit the spill area with available absorbent material. Do not use sawdust, paper or other combustible material.
4.- Eliminate all ignition sources in the area.
5.- Notify the UPV Maintenance Service (963877105, Ext. 71057) to proceed to empty the remaining contents of the fuel tank.
6.- The material with which the fuel has been absorbed should be treated as hazardous waste, packaging and labeling it appropriately. Ensure proper management of the waste generated.
7.- Once the spill has been properly collected, clean and decontaminate the affected area.
8.- If the magnitude of the spill and the circumstances require it, notify the UPV Emergency Department (900 924 888).
9.- At the end of the emergency, notify:
- Environment Unit (96 3877038, Ext. 78955, 77038)
- Integrated Prevention and Occupational Health Service (963879018, Ext. 78400).
Technical gas leak in chemical, physical or biological laboratory
Accidental release of technical gases from pressurized or fixed installation gas cylinders into the atmosphere.
Possible causes
- Lack of maintenance,
- lack of implementation and/or protocolization of preventive operations of gas cylinders and installations,
- lack of training of laboratory personnel.
Preventive measures
- Elaborate and implement a preventive maintenance program for installations through which gases circulate.
- Periodically check the connections of the cylinders and the gas installation.
- Follow the instructions provided by the SIPSL regarding the preventive operations of fixing the cylinder to a safe or structural element, venting, connection, tap opening, etc. Consult the instructions on the SIPSL website http://www.sprl.upv.es.
- Implement action protocols with respect to the preventive operations indicated above.
- Store technical gases in sufficiently ventilated places or with adequate extraction systems, avoiding, as far as possible, solar radiation and keeping adequate distances from heat sources.
- Avoid, as far as possible, the transport of compressed gas bullets.
Response methods
1.- For the protection of people follow the indications of the “Preventive manual for action in case of leaks and spills in laboratories” made by the Integrated Service of Occupational Risk Prevention and available in the section “Specific action procedures” / “Specific emergencies” of its web page http://www.sprl.upv.es. If necessary, the Self-Protection Plan or the Emergency Measures of the entity. which will be initiated by notifying the Emergency Chief of the building and/or UPV Security Service (Ext. 78888).
2.- If the person who detects the leak knows the nature of the leaked gas and has the appropriate means of prevention and intervention:
- Ventilate the affected area if necessary.
- Stop the leakage using the appropriate means of prevention and intervention.
3.- At the end of the emergency notify:
- Environment Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038).
- Integrated Prevention and Occupational Health Service (963879018, Ext. 78400).
Fuel leakage or spillage during the filling process of the UPV underground/surface tanks.
These are accidents related to the filling of the tanks (buried or above ground) located at the UPV.
Possible causes
- Lack of maintenance of loading and unloading equipment.
- Overfilling due to lack of alarm devices.
- Lack of absorbent material.
- Lack of emergency action protocol by the external company.
- Lack of training of external personnel.
- Incorrect loading/unloading due to human error and lack of supervision.
- Human error.
Preventive measures
-> Perform periodic reviews and inspections of oil installations.
-> Include environmental emergency action requirements in contracting processes, such as:
- Action protocol for environmental emergencies on the part of the company.
- Specific training for external personnel.
- Adequate measures and materials for the containment of fuel spills must be available at the place of operation. At the point of connection, absorbent material, sand (absorbent barriers, absorbent blankets), must be available in sufficient quantity to deal with any accidental spill.
- The vehicle must comply with all current traffic and safety regulations.
- Below the connection there should be a drip pan with sufficient capacity to contain a spill.
- Other specific requirements.
Response methods
1.- For the protection of people follow the indications of the “Preventive manual for action in case of leaks and spills in laboratories” made by the Integrated Service of Occupational Risk Prevention and available in the section “Specific action procedures” / “Specific emergencies” of its web page http://www.sprl.upv.es. If necessary, the Self-Protection Plan or the Emergency Measures of the entity. This will be initiated by notifying the building’s Emergency Chief and/or the UPV Security Service (Ext. 78888).
2.- Attempt to cut off the source of the discharge emission.
3.- Delimit the spill area with available absorbent material. Do not use sawdust, paper or other combustible material.
4.- Eliminate all ignition sources in the area.
5.- The material with which the fuel has been absorbed should be treated as hazardous waste, packaging and labeling it appropriately. Ensure proper management of the waste generated.
6.- Once the spill has been properly collected, clean and decontaminate the affected area.
7.- Communicate the incident to the fuel supply contracting Unit, which in turn shall inform the Environment Unit.
8.- If the magnitude of the spill and the circumstances require it, the company must notify: UPV Emergencies (900 924 888).
9.- At the end of the emergency you must notify:
- Environment Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038).
- Integrated Prevention and Occupational Health Service (963879018, Ext. 78400).
Discharge of wastewater with a high organic load into the UPV’s external sewage system from the activities carried out at the Farms.
This is a discharge of wastewater from the Farms with an organic load concentration higher than that established by current regulations.
Possible causes
Incorrect operation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), flooding, opening of the gate for direct discharge to the UPV’s external sewage network or lack of periodic maintenance of the treatment plant.
Preventive measures
- Ensure proper maintenance of the Farms WWTP.
- With an orange or red emergency level for heavy rains from the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), carry out a procedure to reduce the volume of water in the homogenization tank so that it has the capacity to assimilate a significant volume of wastewater.
- Establish restrictions on the handling of the direct discharge gate to the external sewage system.”
Response methods
1.- Notify the Environmental Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038).
2.- Depending on the extent of the discharge into the sewage system, the Environmental Unit notifies the competent authorities of the incident, providing all the necessary information.
Spillage of phytosanitary products on bare soil due to leaking or broken containers resulting from the storage or transfer of phytosanitary products in the UPV greenhouses.
This is the uncontrolled release of chemicals onto bare soil as a result of accidents related to the use and storage of plant protection products.
Possible causes
- Inaccessible Safety Data Sheets.
- Lack of absorbent material, use of inadequate containers.
- Incorrect product identification.
- Storage of products in inadequate areas or without taking into account incompatibilities.
- Excessive storage of phytosanitary products.
- Lack of advice on integrated pest management.
- Lack of training.
- Human error.
Preventive measures
- To have professional user cards according to the levels of training established by current legislation for all those who handle phytosanitary products.
- Designate a person in charge of the treatments who must have a qualified level card for the use of phytosanitary products.
- Read the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) before working with a product for the first time.
- Keep the SDS accessible in the places of use to be able to act according to the spill.
- Have the necessary absorbents available to collect spills.
- Know how to use absorbents before starting work in greenhouses.
- Treatments in greenhouses must be carried out after receiving advice on integrated pest management.
- All personnel working in greenhouses must know how to proceed in an emergency situation or, failing that, must be accompanied by a person in charge who knows how to proceed.
- Use adequate and correctly identified containers for both phytosanitary products and mixtures.
- Avoid storing phytosanitary products on bare soil. Failing that, have a retention bucket. These products should be stored in ventilated and lockable cabinets or rooms.
- Phytosanitary products must be properly grouped according to incompatibility criteria.
- Avoid unnecessary transfers.
- Carry out unavoidable transfers with the appropriate utensils and under extreme safety conditions.
- Minimize stocks inside the cabinets.
- Maintain good order and cleanliness of the cabinets where phytosanitary products are stored.
Response methods
1.- For the protection of people follow the indications of the “Preventive manual for action in case of leaks and spills in laboratories” made by the Integrated Service of Occupational Risk Prevention and available in the section “Specific action procedures” / “Specific emergencies” of its web page http://www.sprl.upv.es. If necessary, the Self-Protection Plan or the Emergency Measures of the entity. which will be initiated by notifying the building’s Emergency Chief and/or the UPV Security Service Ext. 78888).
2.- Consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product and act according to the indications described therein. See section 6 of the SDS: “Accidental release measures.
3.- Remember that:
- In the case of a flammable product; remove all ignition sources in the area.
- Attempt to cut off the source of the discharge emission.
- Consult the SDS of the product.
- Delimit the spill area with available absorbent material. If flammable, do not use sawdust, paper or other combustible material.
- The material with which the spilled liquid has been absorbed should be treated as hazardous waste, properly packaged and labeled.
- In the case of spillage on bare soil, decontamination and correct management of the waste generated must be carried out.
4.- At the end of the emergency, notify the following:
- Environment Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038).
- Integrated Prevention and Occupational Health Service (963879018, Ext. 78400).
Discharge of chemical reagents/fuels/hazardous waste to the sewage system due to leaking or broken containers resulting from storage or transfer in physical, chemical and/or biological laboratories.
This is the uncontrolled discharge of chemicals into the sewage system as a result of accidents related to the use and storage of chemical reagents and/or fuels and/or hazardous waste.
Possible causes
This is the uncontrolled discharge of chemicals into the sewage system as a result of accidents related to the use and storage of chemical reagents and/or fuels and/or hazardous waste.
General rule
In most cases, spills are due to small amounts of product, and can be controlled and cleaned up by laboratory personnel. They are familiar with the substances involved, can respond quickly and are aware of the potential hazards in the area affected by the spill.
If the magnitude of the spill is large, or its danger is high, external assistance will be required, avoiding unnecessary exposure. In this case, the Self-Protection Plan or the Emergency Measures of the entity. which will be initiated by notifying the building’s Emergency Chief and/or the UPV Security Service (Ext.78888).
Preventive measures
- Always read the SDS before working with a product for the first time.
- Keep the SDS accessible in the places of use to be able to act according to the spill.
- Have the necessary absorbents available to collect spills.
- To know how to use the absorbents before starting to work in the laboratory.
- All personnel working in the laboratory should know how to proceed in an emergency situation. Students, when working in the laboratory, must be accompanied by a person in charge who knows how to proceed in an environmental emergency situation.
- Use suitable and correctly identified containers, both for the reagent/hazardous waste and for chemical mixtures or preparations.
- Avoid storing chemicals on or near sewage collectors. If not, provide a retention basin.
- Chemicals must be properly grouped according to incompatibility criteria.
- Avoid unnecessary transfers.
- Carry out unavoidable transfers with the appropriate utensils and under extreme safety conditions.
- Minimize stocks inside the laboratory: The chemical products on the shelves of the workbenches should be limited to the minimum necessary and by requirement of use. They should be arranged in an orderly fashion and stored in a specific place.
- Maintain good order and cleanliness of the laboratory.
Response methods
1.- For the protection of people follow the indications of the “Preventive manual for action in case of leaks and spills in laboratories” made by the Integrated Service of Occupational Risk Prevention and available in the section “Specific action procedures” / “Specific emergencies” of its web page http://www.sprl.upv.es.
2.- If necessary, the entity’s Self-Protection Plan or Emergency Measures must be activated, which will be initiated by notifying the building’s Emergency Chief and/or the UPV Security Service (Ext.78888).
3.- Consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product and act according to the indications given in section 6: “Accidental release measures”.
4.- Remember that:
- In the case of a flammable product; eliminate all ignition sources in the area.
- Attempt to cut off the source of the discharge emission.
- Delimit the spill area with available absorbent material. If flammable, do not use sawdust, paper or other combustible material.
- The material with which the spilled liquid has been absorbed should be treated as hazardous waste, properly packaged and labeled.
5.- At the end of the emergency, notify:
- Environment Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038).
- Integrated Prevention and Occupational Health Service (963879018, Ext. 78400).
Depending on the extent of discharge into the sewage system.
The Environment Unit
- Evaluates the need to stop pumping wastewater from the campus receiving the discharge based on the nature of the substances discharged.
- Notify the incident to the City Council providing all the necessary data.
- Notifies the Wastewater Treatment Plant in case the discharge exceeds the internal network of the campus and evaluates the need to clean the sewage network.
- It controls and monitors the physical and chemical parameters of wastewater to ensure that they remain within legal limits.
Maintenance Service
- Evaluates the damage caused to the sewage network infrastructure.
The Integrated Prevention and Occupational Health and Safety Service
- Evaluates the conditions under which the event occurred in order to propose corrective measures to prevent the incident from recurring.
Dumping of chemical reagents/hazardous waste due to overturning or breakage of containers derived from the supply/collection of hazardous goods at the UPV.
These are accidents related to the supply/collection of chemical reagents and/or fuels and/or hazardous waste.
Possible causes
- Lack of emergency action protocol by the external company.
- Lack of absorbent material, incorrect packaging and/or storage of the chemical/hazardous waste.
- Lack of maintenance of loading and unloading equipment.
- Lack of training of external personnel.
Preventive measures
- Include environmental emergency action requirements in the contracting processes, such as: environmental emergency action protocol for the company and specific training for external personnel.
- Availability of absorbent material in the supply/collection process.
- Avoid loading and unloading dangerous goods close to the sewage system.
- Proper maintenance of equipment for loading and unloading of dangerous goods.
Response methods
1.- For the protection of people follow the indications of the “Preventive manual for action in case of leaks and spills in laboratories” made by the Integrated Service of Occupational Risk Prevention and available in the section “Specific action procedures” / “Specific emergencies” of its web page http://www.sprl.upv.es. If necessary, the Self-Protection Plan or the Emergency Measures of the entity. which will be initiated by notifying the building’s Emergency Chief and/or the UPV Security Service (Ext.78888).
2.- Try to cut off the source of the spillage. If the spill comes from a broken or cracked container, introduce it in another container to avoid the persistence of the spill.
3.- Delimit the spill area with available absorbent material. If flammable, do not use sawdust, paper or other combustible material.
4.- The material with which the spilled liquid has been absorbed should be treated as hazardous waste, properly packaged and labeled. Ensure proper management of the waste generated.
5.- Once the spill has been properly collected, clean and decontaminate the affected zone.
6.- Communicate the incident to the Unit contracting the service for the supply/collection of dangerous goods, which in turn shall inform the Environment Unit.
7.- If the magnitude of the spill and the circumstances require it, the company should notify the UPV Emergency Department (900 924 888).
8.- At the end of the emergency, notify:
- Environment Unit (963877038, Ext. 78955, 77038).
- Integrated Prevention and Occupational Health Service (963879018, Ext. 78400).
Potential scenarios by units
Educational establishments
All the schools and faculties that make up the UPV, including the Polytechnic School of Alcoy, the Polytechnic School of Gandia and the Doctoral School, are considered teaching centers.
Environmental emergencies at the centers
The UPV currently has more than 40 departments, most of them based at the Vera campus, although they make use of facilities distributed throughout the three campuses.
Environmental emergencies in the departments
Research structures
The ecosystem of research structures at the UPV is very rich and currently has more than 50 units between institutes, centers and other research structures.
Environmental emergencies in research structures
The university has a wide variety of services to support teaching and research, as well as management and university extension services. They make up a total of almost 100 units whose activities are also susceptible to generate an emergency.
Environmental emergencies in university services
Governing bodies
There are more than a dozen units, including the rector’s office, vice-rectorates and support structures. Although their environmental impact may seem less relevant, it should not be forgotten that, in the course of their activities, accidents may also occur that affect the environment.
Environmental emergencies in the governing bodies
Other units
They are a group not classified in any of the previous headings. They include experimental laboratories, union sections and other units.
Environmental emergencies in other units
Documents of interest
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