Green public procurement and contracting at the UPV
Our commitment
- Efficient and sustainable consumption of materials, especially chemicals.
- Include environmental criteria in all contracting processes that are susceptible to it.
- Create and disseminate good environmental practice guidelines for the procurement of goods or services.
- Communicate our environmental commitments to the companies that work for us and make them aware of the environmental performance expected of them.
- To adequately monitor our purchasing and contracting practices by means of representative indicators.
Monitoring indicators
What are you going to do for us?
If you work or will work for us, you should know that…
We care about the environment
The UPV has an Environmental Policy that you can consult on this website.
We care about the environment and we hope you do too, but we will help you in any way we can.
Our system is certified
The UPV has an environmental management system certified according to the standard ISO 14001 and verified according to the European EMAS Regulation. If you also have it all it will be much easier, if not we are sure that you meet almost all the requirements that we are going to ask you.
We control risks
The UPV has a Protocol for environmental emergencies that you must make known to all employees who will be performing activities at the university.
Accidents happen and it is important to be prepared.
We check everything
We know that our impact on the environment is also related to the products we buy and the companies that work for us or on our premises, so we will periodically verify that you comply with the environmental requirements listed here.