Carbon footprint 2022
tCO2eq for scopes 1 + 2
The Carbon Footprint for 2022 has been reduced by 12.13% compared to 2021. This year the “Calculate, reduce and compensate” seal has been obtained, due to the fact that a reduction of 6.30% of the average emission intensity in the three-year period 2020-2022 has been observed and 6 tCO2 eq through a restoration project in the municipality of Gátova.
tCO2eq per person
There has been a 17.99% reduction in the Carbon Footprint per person with respect to the previous year.
tCO2eq in Alcoy
Alcoy’s carbon footprint comes only from the emissions generated by the consumption of natural gas used for heating, since this year there have been no refrigerant gas leaks associated with air conditioning. There has been a reduction in the carbon footprint of 23.12% with respect to the previous year.
tCO2eq in Gandia
The main source of carbon footprint of the Gandía campus is fugitive emissions from air conditioning. A reduction in the carbon footprint of 34.87% has been observed with respect to the previous year.
tCO2eq at Vera
Leaks of refrigerant gases and the consumption of natural gas and diesel associated with heating represent almost the totality of the UPV’s carbon footprint, with the carbon footprint associated with heating being slightly higher. A reduction in the carbon footprint of 16.91% has been observed with respect to the previous year.
Scope 3
The following shows the contribution by emission sources that make up Scope 3 of the UPV’s carbon footprint: mobility, waste management, water consumption and purchase-contracting of goods and services. In the graphs you can see the subcategories that have been taken into account for the calculation of each emission source mentioned.
Contribution by emission sources
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