Carbon footprint 2019


tCO2eq for scopes 1 + 2

The 2019 carbon footprint has been reduced by 66.74% compared to 2018. This reduction is mainly due to the fact that, as of this year, the electricity is of guaranteed renewable origin, so the Scope 2 carbon footprint becomes 0.


tCO2eq per person

The carbon footprint per person has been reduced by 67.42% with respect to the previous year, mainly due to the fact that the electricity supply is now guaranteed to be of renewable origin.


tCO2eq in Alcoy

Alcoy’s carbon footprint comes from the emissions derived from the consumption of natural gas used for heating, since this year there have been no refrigerant gas leaks associated with air conditioning. There was a reduction in the carbon footprint of 54.20% with respect to the previous year.


tCO2eq in Gandia

The main source of the carbon footprint of the Gandia campus is greenhouse gas emissions associated with air conditioning. A reduction in the carbon footprint of 68.69% is observed with respect to the previous year.


tCO2eq in Vera

Leakage of refrigerant gases and the consumption of natural gas and diesel associated with heating represent almost the totality of the UPV’s carbon footprint (Scope 1 and 2). Per person, a reduction of 67.95% is observed with respect to the previous year.

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