Carbon footprint 2021
tCO2eq for scopes 1 + 2
The 2021 carbon footprint has increased by 101.12% over the previous year. This dramatic increase stems from the reduction in university activity in 2020 caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is worth noting that, if we compare it with respect to 2019, a year of normal activity, the 2021 carbon footprint would have been reduced by 3.68%.
tCO2eq per person
Compared to the previous year, the carbon footprint per person has increased by 114.74% and is largely due to the return to normal university activity after the COVID-19 pandemic year.
tCO2eq in Alcoy
Alcoy’s carbon footprint comes only from the emissions generated by the consumption of natural gas used for heating, since this year there have been no refrigerant gas leaks associated with air conditioning. Compared to the previous year, the carbon footprint has increased by 66.3%.
tCO2eq in Gandia
The main source of the carbon footprint of the Gandia campus is fugitive emissions from cooling and air conditioning, which have caused an increase in the carbon footprint of 17.58% over the previous year.
tCO2eq in Vera
The carbon footprint of the Vera campus has increased by 51.3%, a considerable increase over the previous year. The main contributions to this increase have been made, almost equally, by fixed installations and fugitive emissions from air conditioning, the latter being slightly higher than the former.
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