The Universitat Politècnica de València trains people to enhance their skills; it researches and generates knowledge, with quality, rigor, and ethics, in the fields of science, technology, art, and business to promote the integral development of society and contributes to its technological, economic and cultural progress.
The Universitat Politècnica de València aims to be a modern, innovative, and efficient institution that, among other aspects, stands out for its commitment to social responsibility as a public university, and specifically in environmental sustainability, to be recognized as one of the leading European universities in environmental sustainability.
As an institution of higher education, it aims to foster, in all members of the university community, employees and students, a sense of responsibility for the conservation and improvement of the environment, being aware that through training, it has a prime responsibility in the transformation of society, contributing to the transmission of environmental values.

Therefore, the Universitat Politècnia de València assumes the commitments of:
- Visit, evaluate, and minimize all the environmental impacts derived from its activities to control, prevent and reduce the adverse ones and to enhance and disseminate the positive ones.
- Fulfill the environmental legal and other requirements applicable to the University related to its environmental aspects.
- Propitiate environmental training suitable for all students and promote training and awareness about climate change at all mandatory and non-compulsory educational levels, rethinking our way of organizing ourselves, our consumption, energy, tourism and sustainable mobility models, being aware that the planet’s resources are limited, with the aim of strengthening human resilience to adapt to the risks related to climate change.
- Inform, form, and sensitize environmentally friendly to all university community members.
- Improve the environmental management system is continuously improved to optimize the environmental performance of the University.
- Help to improve the environmental performance of people outside the University who carry out their activities on its premises or for its centers, as well as with other public and private entities.
- Ensure that their campuses are climatically sustainable, through the development of a Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy, sharing their knowledge with society to address the climate emergency and its effects.
- Contribute to the environmental roadmap of the cities or territories where the university is based through knowledge transfer on environmental matters.
As an instrument to achieve these goals,
the UPV is committed to maintaining its environmental management system approved by the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) and the UNE EN ISO 14001 standard and, consequently, to establish demanding environmental objectives accessible to the public, monitoring progress continuously, preparing annual environmental statements, which will be public, and disseminating them to the University and the rest of society.
Approved by the Governing Council at its meeting on March 10, 2016.