Legal compliance

Legal compliance

As important as the knowledge of the environmental impacts of our activities is the knowledge of the legal implications derived from them. For this reason, the Environmental Management System establishes as a necessity the identification of any requirements that the organization must comply with for the development of its activities.

There are two types of requirements: on the one hand, those that arestipulated in the legislation. On the other hand, the organization can establish its own requirements or adhere to associations or documents that dictate environmental performance guidelines that are more demanding than mere compliance with current legislation, this is what we mean when we talk about other requirements.

Requirements applicable to university activities

In order to have a complete knowledge of the obligations imposed by the legislation or any other document subscribed by the UPV, it is important to know the environmental requirements applicable to all the activities carried out at the university.

UPV legal requirements

Requirements applicable to UPV units

Educational establishments

All the schools and faculties that make up the UPV are considered teaching centers, including the Polytechnic School of Alcoy, the Polytechnic School of Gandia and the Doctoral School. They represent a total of 14 teaching centers.

Legal requirements for schools and faculties


The UPV currently has 42 departments, most of them based at the Vera campus, although they make use of facilities distributed throughout the three campuses.

Legal requirements of the departments

Research structures

The ecosystem of research structures at the UPV is very rich and currently has 51 units including institutes, centers and other research structures.

Legal requirements for research structures

Governing bodies

They comprise a total of 15 units, including the rector’s office, vice-rectorates and support structures. Although their environmental impact may seem less relevant, it should not be forgotten that not only do their activities also have environmental aspects, but they are also the bodies in charge of establishing policies and allocating resources, including those related to environmental management.

Legal requirements for governing bodies

Other units

They total 18 units, including experimental laboratories, union sections and other units not classified under any of the above headings.

Legal requirements of other units


The university has a wide variety of services to support teaching and research, as well as management and university extension services. They comprise a total of 93 units whose activities also have environmental aspects.

Legal requirements for university services