Our environmental impact

Environmental Aspects

All activities carried out at the UPV have some environmental characteristic. For teaching, research or even sports, we consume water, energy and fuels; we use IT equipment, furniture, stationery and many other materials that require a lot of natural resources for its manufacture; our activities generate waste, some of them produce atmospheric emissions and even noise. That is what we call environmental aspects of our activities.

Environmental Impacts

The environmental aspects of our activities have environmental impact. The depletion of natural resources, atmospheric, noise or light pollution are just a few examples of negative impacts; but they can also present positive effects such as the preservation of biodiversity or the decontamination of water, soil or air.

Environmental emergency scenarios

Environmental emergencies are situations unpredictable which may have consequences on the environment.

Abnormal operating situations

Preventive maintenance or scheduled shutdowns of machinery or installations are operating situations; abnormal are not produced on a daily basis but are part of the activity of the UPV.

The environmental impact of the UPV

The UPV currently has 3 main campuses (Alcoy, Gandia and Vera), with a total built-up area of 699,220.96 sqm.2 and about 126.845,00 m2of landscaped area. Its university community exceeds forty thousand people, 80% of whom are students. All the groups, whether they are own or external personnel, students or visitors, carry out activities that have some environmental aspect.

Environmental aspects of the UPV

Environmental impact per campus

Alcoy Campus

The campus has an area of 28,877.36 m3 (28,877.36 m3).2of constructed surface and 1,270.00 m2of landscaped area. Its university community is made up of 2,913 people, of which 2,590 are students.

Environmental aspects

The aspects shown in yellow have been significant in the last ranking process.

Gandia Campus

The campus has 32,415.60 m3 (32,415.60 m3) of land.2of constructed surface area and 7,020 m2of landscaped area. Its university community is made up of 1,725 people, of which 1,473 are students.

Environmental aspects

The aspects shown in yellow have been significant in the last ranking process.

Vera Campus

The campus has an area of 637,928.00 m2of constructed surface and 118.555,00 m2of landscaped area. Its university community is composed of some 41,824 people, of which 33,428 are students.

Environmental aspects

The aspects shown in yellow have been significant in the last ranking process.

Environmental impact in UPV units

Educational establishments

All the schools and faculties that make up the UPV are considered teaching centers, including the Polytechnic School of Alcoy, the Polytechnic School of Gandia and the Doctoral School. They represent a total of 14 teaching centers.

The environmental impact of schools and colleges


The UPV currently has 42 departments, most of them based at the Vera campus, although they make use of facilities distributed throughout the three campuses.

The environmental impact of the departments

Research structures

The ecosystem of research structures at the UPV is very rich and currently has 51 units including institutes, centers and other research structures.

The environmental impact of research structures


The university has a wide variety of services to support teaching and research, as well as management and university extension services. They comprise a total of 91 units whose activities also have environmental aspects.

Environmental impact on university services

Governing bodies

They comprise a total of 15 units, including the rector’s office, vice-rectorates and support structures. Although their environmental impact may seem less relevant, it should not be forgotten that not only do their activities also have environmental aspects, but they are also the bodies in charge of establishing policies and allocating resources, including those related to environmental management.

The environmental impact of the governing bodies

Other units

There are a total of 15 units, including experimental laboratories, union sections and other units not classified in any of the above headings.

The environmental impact of other units