Sustainable mobility at the UPV
Our commitment
- Encourage the use of sustainable means of transportation.
- Carry out a mobility diagnosis of the UPV every five years.
- Set specific objectives to achieve more sustainable mobility.
- To adequately monitor mobility by means of representative indicators.

Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility 2023-2027
The Universitat Politècnica de València, aware of the need to continue taking actions to improve the current mobility system in the access to the campuses of Alcoy, Gandia and Vera, decides to develop a new Strategic Plan for Sustainable Mobility to replace and give continuity to the old Plan 2015-2020.

Traffic regulations
TheUPV traffic and parking regulations establishes the basic rules of coexistence between pedestrians and vehicles and is applicable in the following areas Alcoi, Gandia and Vera campuses. The 3 campuses are considered of pedestrian preference, leaving the circulation of motor vehicles restricted to certain roads.

How to get to the campus?
More than 40.000 people commute daily to the UPV campuses. In many cases these trips are made by private motor vehicle. We offer you all the information you need to change your habits. Do the planet and your health a favor, get around by public transportation.
Monitoring indicators

Every year a small survey is made to students during the registration process in which they are asked about the means of transportation they use or will use to come to the campus. Most of the indicators we present here are extracted from the results of this survey and the successive mobility diagnostics, although recently we have opened lines of work with access to barrier-regulated parking lots and electric vehicle charging.
Mobility on the Gandia campus

The university community of the Gandia campus consists of more than 1,500 people of which the vast majority belong to the student body. Although the bulk of the transfers are made on foot, the car appears as the third most used mean of transportation almost as used as the train.
Bicycle racks
Approximately 10% of the university community of the Gandia campus uses bicycles for commuting. In the map below you can see the location of the bicycle parking available on campus. Remember that you can also park your scooter there.
Motorcycle parking
Not many people use motorcycles to commute to the Gandia campus, but it is one of the means of transportation chosen by the university community. The campus has two surface parking lots and one subway parking lot in the CRAI area. In the map you can see their exact location.
Mobility on the Vera campus

The Vera campus (Valencia) is the largest in extension and the one with the largest number of people, close to 40,000. Almost 80% of this community is made up of students, although it should also be noted that just over 7% are external personnel associated with contractors or companies located on the campus. Mobility is, of course, a complex issue as almost all means of transportation can be seen circulating around the campus.
Bicycle and scooter racks
The Vera campus has a large community of bicycle and scooter users. In the map you can find the location of the available parking lots, including parking lots with identified access.
Wheel inflators
You can find on campus several points with inflators for your bike, in the map below you can see the location of all of them, but remember that you can also go to the Environment Unit.
Motorcycle parking
More than a thousand people use motorcycles to commute to the Vera campus and more than 20% use them for all their trips. The campus has a good supply of parking spaces, in the map you can see their location.
Documents of interest
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