What is it and what does it do?

The standard UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 as much as the EMAS Regulation establish that the organization must designate management representatives and assign them functions, responsibilities and authority to:

  • Ensure that the environmental management system is established, implemented and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the standard.
  • Report to senior management on the implementation of the environmental management system.

The body attributed with these functions at the UPV is the Environmental Committee, the constitution of which was approved by the Governing Council in its session of March 29, 2007. As a result, it is responsible for the elaboration of proposals on environmental issues and the establishment of the university’s environmental operating guidelines. The constitution of this body and its main functions were published in the BOUPV n. 3 de març de 2007.


  • To raise to the Consell de Govern the proposal of Environmental Policy of the UPV.
  • To annually submit to the Governing Council the proposals of the Environmental and Environmental Training Plans.
  • To follow up and evaluate the objectives and goals of the Environmental Plan as well as the training needs of the personnel and students of the University in the objectives of the Environmental Training Plan, which are subject to the approval, if applicable, of the Governing Council.
  • Approve and collaborate in thedissemination and control of procedures, technical instructions and documentationof special relevance to the University’s environmental management system, which will be prepared by the area or service with environmental competencies.
  • Ensure that all requirements of the environmental management system are implemented and maintained.
  • Review the degree of effectiveness of the environmental management system.
  • Identify actions for the improvement of the environmental management system.
  • Annually review the totality of the UPV’s environmental management system.
  • Define the UPV Environmental Statement for subsequent approval by the Council of Governors.
  • Serve as a forum for making decisions about the environmental problems of the UPV.

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