Teaching provided by the department

Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

The main objective of the Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage is to train a professional whose work is the preservation and transmission of artistic and cultural heritage.

To this end, a multidisciplinary training is offered, which integrates the scientific and artistic fields and the use of new technologies to develop the necessary skills for the profession: knowledge and documentation of cultural property, evaluation of its state of conservation and the proposal and development of conservation and restoration treatments.

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Master’s Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

The Master’s Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage is, by itself, a university degree with official recognition in the European Union and is aimed at those students who wish to broaden their professional or research skills in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.

The Master’s Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage is a University Degree with official recognition in the European Union that, together with the PhD program Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, completes the Official Postgraduate Program of the same name taught in the Department.

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Doctorate in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

The PhD Program in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (CRBC) of the Universitat Politècnica de València is aimed at training PhDs in the field of conservation, restoration, management, scientific study and application of new technologies for the preservation of heritage assets.

The purpose of the CRBC program is for students to acquire the necessary competencies to develop autonomous research as well as to broaden their academic and professional experience;

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More information Doctoral Program