Doctoral program documents
General documents of the doctoral school and specific documents prepared by the academic committee of the doctoral program of the Department of Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry.
General documentation of the doctoral school
- Entry profile. Competencies and related entrance qualifications
- Admission criteria
- Training complements
- Transversal training activities
Director’s endorsement (thesis topic request)
Template to be completed in Spanish and English, with the proposed thesis topic, abstract and bibliographical references. It must be endorsed and signed by the thesis director.
Guide for the elaboration of the research plan.
The research plan must be submitted one year after enrollment in the doctoral program and defines the hypotheses, methodology, objectives and schedule to be followed in the thesis.
Evaluation of training activities
Table with the evaluation of the doctoral student’s scientific production and training in terms of conferences, publications, stays, patents, etc.
An example of application is provided.
History of research stays
Historical list of stays already carried out by doctoral students in research centers (universities, companies, etc.).
Rules for thesis by article abstracts
Specific regulations for the presentation of doctoral theses by compendium of articles.
In addition, there isthe general regulations of the UPV.
Recognition for research stays
Recognition of hours for research stays at the UPV of doctoral students belonging to research groups outside the UPV.
Instrument or software request protocol
Every enrolled student may request instruments or software from any of the department’s laboratories.