Master’s Degree in Industrial Automation and Informatics
Our department is the entity in charge for this Master’s degree aimed at Graduates in Engineering in the areas of Industrial Technologies, Industrial Electronics, Automation, Aerospace, Computer Science, as well as those interested candidates who have studied some related subjects in the areas of Energy, Telecommunications and Electricity.
The fundamental objective of these Master’s studies is the training of specialists in these subjects, with wide demand in industry, so that they are able to address the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of automation systems for the supervision, control and management of production processes.
The number of places is limited and an admission process must be followed, with a calendar set by the UPV.
Teaching is taught by professors from DISA and DISCA (Department of Information Systems and Computers); guest researchers and engineers in companies in the field occasionally give seminars on specific research topics and technologies.
For more information, follow the link in the title of the page above or/and contact our administrative services or the academic director of the master’s degree, whose contact details you can find on the specific MAII website.