– Implementation, by the Researcher, of a Research and innovation projectoriginal and personalized;Participants (entities)Beneficiary entity –Beneficiary-established in a Member State of the European Union (EU MS) or in a Horizon Europe Partner Country (HE AC), which signs the Grant Agreement, hires and supervises the Researcher, receives funding, etc.) and Associated entities -Associated Partners (AP)– that train researchers, host them in stays,… but do not sign the Grant Agreement, do not hire the Researcher and do not receive direct funding;– Types of FP: European Postdoctoral Fellowships (EF):Researchers of any nationality, who meet the eligibility criteria indicated below, will be hired by the Beneficiary entity for a period of between 12 and 24 months; extendable for a maximum of 6 more months if the proposal includes aPlacement Period (see section onStays). Global Postdoctoral Fellowships (GF):The GF has 2 Phases; one Exit phase to a PA, located in a Third Country (neither EU MS nor HE AC), for a period between 12 and 24 months, and one Mandatory return phase of 12 months, in the Beneficiary entity, which is the entity that hires him/her. –Eligibility CriteriaResearcher’s requirements: To have a PhD degree or to have successfully defended the Thesis before the closing date of the call. Research experience (full time): maximum 8 years since obtaining the (first) PhD degree; this limit may be extended for certain reasons (see Applicant’s Guide). Available one calculation guide8 years of full-time research experience. Mobility rule: the Researcher cannot have resided or carried out his/her main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than 12 months in the 36 months prior to the closing date of this call (September 13, 2023): In the country of the Beneficiary entity that hires him/her, in a FE. In the country of the PA, where he/she will carry out the Exit Phase, in a GF. – StaysApplications may include (optional), as long as it is in line with the project objectives and adds significant value and/or impact to the project: Stay/s: during the project implementation (EF) or during the Exit Phase (GF), in any country of the world, up to a maximum of 1/3 of the project duration (contract) in the EF and 1/3 of the duration of the Exit Phase, in the GF (in the GF this 1/3 may include an initial stay, of max. 3 months, in the Beneficiary entity, as part of the Exit Phase). Additional stay, called Placement periodThe project will be carried out in a UE MS or HE AC, of up to 6 months duration (these months would extend/extend the duration of the Project), necessarily in the non-academic sector and not during the project but in its final phase, closing the project. – FinancingEU funding is a unitary contribution (unit: month of the researcher’s contract) and is associated with the researcher’s recruitment and expenses related to his training, research work, seminars, publication costs, etc.; management and indirect costs are also financed (see the budget structure, expenditure categories and unit amounts in the Work Program 2023-2024, 2. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actionsp. 89 et seq.) Additional quotation may be requested if aPlacement periodIf the Researcher’s dedication to the Project is not full time (see conditions in Work Program 2021-2022, 2. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actionsp. 91) funding will be reduced pro rata. |
Applications shall be submitted jointly by the Investigator (an Investigator can only submit one application per call) and by the Beneficiary entity., electronically, through via through the EU Funding & Tenders P! ortal.The application consists of a Part A (completed on-line),content) and a Part B,Part B-1 and Part B-2 (incorporated in two separate pdfs), which must include, in the case of GFs, a letter of commitment from the PA where the Exit Phase will take place. Only the PA of the Exit Phase of a GF and, if applicable, the non-academic PA of the GF must be included in Part A as a participating entity.Placement Period; the other PAs (Stay/s) should only be included in Part B. See minimum content of the letter of commitment in the staff/templateof Part B of the applicationpage 38.PENALTYApplications submitted to the HE-MSCA-PF-2022 call by a Beneficiary entity (and in the GF also a PA in the Exit Phase) and an Investigator, which received a score lower than 70%, may not be submitted to this HE-MSCA-PF-2023 call. |