Department of Computer Engineering
This department is the responsible for organizing and developing the research and teaching in the Computer Architecture and Technology (ATC) area.
ATC’s thematic contents are relatively broad, covering all aspects related to the design, analysis, implementation, evaluation, and control of computer hardware.
Latest News
- Carmina G. Almudéver, coordinator of the “Quadrature” project.Our colleague Carmina G. Alumudéver leads the “Quadrature” project, a European research project aimed at advancing towards the scalability of quantum computers. More information here. Congratulations! Share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Pinterest
- Summer Camp BIP DIG-SENSING 2023During the week of July 17-21, the Summer Camp DIG-SENSING 2023 was held in different DISCA classrooms. Coordinated by Sara Blanc, and within the BIP (BLENDED INTENSIVE PROGRAMS) project, students from Romania and Vienna, together with our ETSINF students, formed 11… Read more: Summer Camp BIP DIG-SENSING 2023
- Large attendance at the conference “Design of High Performance RISC-V Computers at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center”.With a large audience, Professor Miquel Moretó, from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), has given the lecture “Design of high-performance RISC-V computers at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center” on RISC-V Architecture. This was followed by a round table discussion entitled “Semiconductor talent.… Read more: Large attendance at the conference “Design of High Performance RISC-V Computers at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center”.