Convenio de colaboración de software Simulación Simio licencia academica:
Universitat Politècnica de València, uses Simio simulation software under a grant from Simio LLC (www.simio.com).
This grant includes a total of 50 copies of Simio® Simio Academic Edition software, worth $120000 (usd) to support teaching and research in simulation. We are confident that you will like Simio’s power, flexibility, and ease of use. Simio includes many innovations which make it particularly appropriate for inclusion in an undergraduate or graduate curriculum.

Convenio de colaboración de software con licencia academica:
Eccam s.r.o. cede al DOE el uso de sus licencias en la herramienta “Requirements Management Tool for Software and Hardware Systems” para que los alumnos de la UPV hagan sus prácticas con herramientas profesionales.
Empresa: Eccam s.r.o.
Web: https://www.reqview.com/
Tipo de licenciado: Academica (https://www.reqview.com/pricing)
“We support Universities by our EDUCATIONAL license. It is free of charge. If you lead a software or requirements engineering course at a public university then contact us for more information. Please provide more details about your course, including a public link to its web page and the requested number of students. Note that the EDUCATIONAL license is just for you and your students, and must not be used for commercial projects.”