Industrial Doctorate is understood as the thesis developed within a company (private or public sector company or Public Administration) in any area of knowledge, developing an industrial research or experimental development project. It aims to promote research in the business world and the participation of industry in doctoral programs, to encourage the transfer of knowledge between the university and its environment, and to promote the employment of young researchers;
(According to RD 99/2011 which regulates doctoral studies)
a) That the thesis has developed a research project of industrial, commercial, social or cultural interest of a entity, public or private company or public administration. Universities, public research organizations (national or regional) and university hospitals are excluded. Exceptionally, this mention may be made in any of these institutions, except in universities, provided that the content of the thesis is eminently applied. The direct relationship between the doctoral thesis and the work carried out by the doctoral student in the institution or company must be formalized in a scientific-technical report that must be approved by the university;
b) That it has been signed an agreement between the entity, company or public administration and the university for the academic development of the doctoral thesis, which will establish, at least, the obligations of the parties and the industrial property rights that may be generated;
c) That the doctoral student has been a doctoral candidate for a period of contracted by the entity, company or public administration where the research project will be developed at least one year during the development of the thesis, being necessary that a substantial part of it is developed in the entity, company or public administration;
1º Request the admission to the doctoral program by following the usual procedure of pre-registration of the UPV.
2º Enrollin the doctoral program where you have been admitted.
3º After registering, you have to send the following to the following documentation:
- Registration form (according to model).
- Evidence of the doctoral student’s employment in the company (contract or employment history).
- Letter of commitment of the company (according to model).
- CV of the supervisor (or thesis director) in the company.
- Collaboration agreement between the company and the UPV (according to model).
- Report of the industrial research or experimental development project, where reference is made to this industrial. doctorate mention. It must be signed by the Academic Committee of the doctoral program in question (this document is not necessary if the Research Plan has indicated that the student is “opting for the Industrial Mention”).
This documentation will be reviewed by the Doctoral School;
Thesis Supervision and Direction
A supervisor of the research project must be identified in the company. This supervisor may also be the Director of the thesis if he/she meets the necessary requirements (any Spanish or foreign Doctor, with accredited research experience (egardless of the University, center or institution in which he/she provides his/her services). The Academic Committee of the program will study the supervisor’s curriculum in the company and will decide on his/her suitability as thesis director.
In the event that the supervisor in the company finally acts as Director, a tutor or a co-director from the UPV will be required. When the in-company supervisor does not act as thesis director, a UPV director will be required;