- Announcement of public hearings for the renewal of accreditation of doctoral programs.Announcement of public hearing open to the entire university community for the renewal of the accreditation of the DP in Industrial Engineering and Production. Within the framework of this process, the External Evaluation Committee will visit the program on the date indicated below, and a Public Hearing of the Committee will be held, which can be… Read more: Announcement of public hearings for the renewal of accreditation of doctoral programs.
- Announcement of public hearings for the renewal of accreditation of doctoral programs.Announcement of public hearing open to the entire university community for the renewal of accreditation of the PD in Food Science, Technology and Management. In the framework of this process, the External Evaluation Committee will visit the program on the date indicated below, and a Public Hearing of the Committee will be held, which can… Read more: Announcement of public hearings for the renewal of accreditation of doctoral programs.
- CALL FOR MOBILITY GRANTS FOR FPI-UPV AND/OR CO-SUPERVISION STUDENTSThe purpose of the call is to finance all or part of the cost of carrying out the following activitiesstays in prestigious foreign centers. Requirements Students enrolled in the 2024-2025 academic year in a program of the following programs are eligible to apply for this aidD. from the Universitat Politècnica de València who meet the… Read more: CALL FOR MOBILITY GRANTS FOR FPI-UPV AND/OR CO-SUPERVISION STUDENTS
- 2024 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL DOCTORATES FROM THE STATE RESEARCH AGENCYThe State Research Agency (AEI), affiliated with the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, has announced the 2024 call for grants for the training of doctors in companies and other entities (Industrial Doctorates). These grants are available to various types of entities and aim to promote the realization of industrial research or experimental development projects… Read more: 2024 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL DOCTORATES FROM THE STATE RESEARCH AGENCY
- HiloTesis 2024You can now participate in a new edition of the #HiloTesis contest. The deadline to participate will be open until June 15. The Doctoral School of the Universitat Politècnica de València joins the fourth edition of the «#HiloTesis: Tu tesis doctoral en redes sociales» contest. CRUE Universidades Españolas, in collaboration with the Research Dissemination and… Read more: HiloTesis 2024
- Internationalization actionsThe objective of these actions is to promote the internationalization of doctoral programs, increasing the participation of international researchers of recognized prestige in events, training activities, workshops and seminars organized within the framework of doctoral training. Consult our web site for the calls and seminars scheduled for both this year and previous ones. Share: Share… Read more: Internationalization actions
- 2024/2025 CalendarsConsult here the calendars for the 2024/2025 academic year of the Doctoral School of the UPV. Doctoral School Calendar Share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Pinterest
- Grants for open publication of predoctoral researchers (PAID-12-24)The Vice-Rectorate for Research announces the call for grants to predoctoral researchers for the publication of open research articles, within the framework of the Vice-Rectorate for Research grants program (PAID-12-23), published on December 14, 2024. The UPV wishes to support the open publication of publications in research journals by predoctoral researchers of the UPV, thereby… Read more: Grants for open publication of predoctoral researchers (PAID-12-24)
- 2023/2024 CalendarsConsult here the calendars for the 2023/2024 academic year of the Doctoral School of the UPV. Share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Pinterest