PhD Program in Business Management and Administration (June 20-21, 2016)
Visiting Professor: Mercedes Delgado, MIT and Fox Business School, USA
20/05/16 Seminar: Clusters and the Great Recession
Date: 20 JUNE 2016
Time: 10:00
Location: GRADE ROOM, DOE, Bldg. 7D
Estimated duration: 3 hours
The seminar will be conducted in English.
It will be a seminar focused on research and analysis of future lines of business strategies and industrial innovation policies, centered on clusters. In particular, it will address the issue of the mapping of clusters in the USA, a project conducted by Harvard University in which Dr. Delgado participates
See more here:
06/21/16 Meeting with doctoral students and thesis directors.
Title: theses in the USA
Date: JUNE 21, 2016
Time: 10:00
Location: GRADE ROOM, DOE, Building 7D
Estimated duration:2- 3 HOURS
06/21/16 Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects
Date: JUNE 21, 2016
Time: 16:00 H
Estimated duration:2 HOURS
PhD Program in Industrial Engineering and Production (July 18-19, 2016)
Visiting Professor: Francisco Chinesta Soria, Ecole Centrale Nantes, France
18/7/16 Seminar: Machine learning in computational mechanics
Title: Machine learning in computational mechanics
Date: 7/18/16
Time: 15:30
Location: Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (DIMM)
Estimated duration: 2h
Nowadays, industries have the possibility of storing large amounts of data (big dada) but the extraction of information from it is still a challenge. This seminar will present some of the ideas that are being worked on at the research level and will give results in the near future.
18/7/16: Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors.
Title: Dynamics
Date: 18/7/16
Time: 17:30
Location: Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering – DIMM
Estimated duration: 2h
Currently, the field of dynamics has been known and analyzed for several decades with standard numerical techniques, such as the Finite Element Method. However, these techniques bring with them a high computational cost, so the introduction of model reduction techniques in this field will bring great advances in this area.
19/7/16: Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects
Title: Topological optimization and miscellaneous topics
Date: 19/7/16
Time: 10:00
Location: Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering – DIMM
Estimated duration: 4h
One of the great challenges facing today’s industries is the generation of optimal components quickly. To this end, topological optimization techniques have yielded good results in recent years. However, these techniques are computationally expensive because they require an analysis for each load configuration. Therefore, model reduction techniques are presented as a possible improvement in computational efficiency. In addition, this meeting will discuss possible future collaboration topics between the two centers.
PhD Program in Statistics and Optimization (5-6 September 2016)
Visiting Professor: Massimilaiano Barolo, Univ. Degli Studi di Pàdova
Brief introductory course: Introduction to statistical techniques of multivariate analysis
Type of activity: Brief introductory course
Title: Introduction to multivariate analysis statistical techniques.
Date: 05/09/2016 Time: 9:30 Duration: estimated: 4 hours
Location: First floor auditorium DEIOAC (Building 7ª)
This brief introductory course will present the statistical techniques of data analysis frequently used for the study, monitoring and improvement of production processes, with special emphasis on multivariate techniques and their advantages over traditional methods of analysis. The aim is to establish a minimum knowledge base necessary for a better understanding of the seminar that will take place the same day in the afternoon. This course will be given in English.
Seminar: From data to knowledge: the role of process chemometrics in the implementation of Quality-by-Design paradigms in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing
Type of activity: Seminar
Title: From data to knowledge: the role of process chemometrics in the implementation of Quality-by-Design paradigms in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing.
Date: 05/09/2016 Time: 15:30 Estimated duration: 3 hours
Location: First floor auditorium DEIOAC (Building 7ª)
This seminar will present the ideas of “Quality-by-Design” and the role of process chemometrics, which makes use of multivariate statistical analysis techniques among others, in its implementation in production processes. Specifically, it will focus on the pharmaceutical industry. The seminar will be given in English, and its detailed description can be read in the attached ‘pdf’.
Abstract: From data to knowledge: the role of process chemometrics in the implementation of Quality-by-Design paradigms in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing.
Presentation of research lines and projects of the visitor and attendees.
Type of activity: meeting with doctoral students and thesis supervisors
Title: Presentation of lines of research and projects of the visitor and attendees.
Date: 06/09/2016 Time: 9:30 Estimated duration: 4 hours
Location: First floor auditorium DEIOAC (Building 7ª)
This meeting will try to promote communication between the visiting researcher and those attending the meeting. The objective will be the discussion of the different lines of research and projects in progress by both parties in order to help to know the situation of the different research groups to which the attendees belong in order to raise possible collaborations, stays and/or co-directions of work, which will be discussed at the meeting that same day in the afternoon. To facilitate communication between the visiting researcher and the other participants, a minimum level of English is recommended.
Mobility proposals, thesis co-direction and collaborative projects
Type of activity: meeting with doctoral students and thesis directors for joint projects
Title: Mobility proposals, thesis co-direction and collaborative projects
Date: 06/09/2016 Time: 15:30 Estimated duration: 3 hours
Location: First floor auditorium DEIOAC (Building 7ª)
In this meeting, the different existing ways both from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and the University of Padua will be briefly presented in order to facilitate mobility actions, to make possible the co-direction of theses and to carry out joint collaboration projects. Subsequently, and based on the presentations made at the previous meeting, concrete viable actions will be discussed in any of these three aspects, both in one direction or the other. To facilitate communication between the visiting researcher and the other participants, a minimum level of English is recommended.
PhD Program in Food Science, Technology and Management (September 26 – October 3, 2016)
Visiting Professor: Elliot Paul Gilbert, Bragg Institute, ANSTO, Australia
Meeting with CAPD
Date: Monday, September 26
Time: 12:00
Content: Meeting with CAPD to sound out exchanges.
Location: Seminar of the Food Technology Department (building 3F)
Seminar I: Potential of neutron scattering techniques for food characterization Small Angle Neutron (and X-ray) Scattering: Natural Tools for Food Science and Technology Research
Date: Wednesday, September 28.
Location: ETSIAMN Graduation Hall (building 3P)
Time: 9:00 to 11:00
Seminar I: Potential of neutron scattering techniques for food characterization Small Angle Neutron (and X-ray) Scattering: Natural Tools for Food Science and Technology Research
Duration: one hour and a half no questions asked
Seminar II: Beam time proposal preparation /designing a successful scattering experiment “1. Designing an ideal SANS experiment; 2. How to get neutron beamtime; 3.
DateWednesday, September 28.
Location: ETSIAMN Graduation Hall (building 3P)
Time: 11:15 to 13:15
Seminar II: Beam time proposal preparation /designing a successful scattering experiment “1. Designing an ideal SANS experiment; 2. How to get neutron beamtime; 3.
Durationone hour no questions asked
Meeting with Ph.D. students / thesis directors
DateWednesday, September 28.
Location: ETSIAMN Graduation Hall (3P building)
Time:13:15 a 14:00
Seminar at IATA facilities
Date: Friday, September 30
Time: to be determined
Location: IATA facilities
PhD Program in Computer Science (October 3-7)
Guest Professor: Prof. Fabio Augusto González, Univ. Nacional de Colombia
Seminar: Deep learning applied to image and text analysis
Date: tuesday, october 4
Time: 10
Location: Building1F (DSIC) – MEETING ROOM
Estimated duration: 4 hours
ContentThis tutorial will introduce the main ideas behind machine learning with neural networks and its application to automatically learn data representation from the data itself. The focus of the tutorial will be on models tailored to learn representations from images and text and their application to solve problems involving natural language processing and understanding and medical image processing among others.
Meeting with Ph.D. students / thesis directors
DateWednesday, October 5
Time: 10
Location: Building1F (DSIC)- Visitors’ Office 10
Estimated duration: 2 hours
ContentContact by email with the guest teacher to set up an appointment
Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects
Date: Thursday, October 6
Time: 10h
Location: Building1F (DSIC)- Visitor’s Office 10
Estimated duration: 2 hours
Content: contact by email –
PhD Program in Mathematics (October 3-10, 2016)
Guest Professor: Carlos Lizama Yáñez, Santiago de Chile Univ.
Activity 1, Seminar: Multidisciplinary applications from the point of view of the Abstract Cauchy Problem
Date: October 3, 4, 5 and 6
Time: 11:00 to 13:00
Venue: Seminar B2 Building 7A, first floor
Estimated duration: 2h per session
The notions of semigroup of operators, cosine families of operators and resolvent families will be presented in a unified way by means of the theory of (a; k)-regularized families. Its versatility in multidisciplinary applications will be shown. Some of its applications to the study of existence, uniqueness and qualitative properties of linear and nonlinear evolution equations will be analyzed. Finally, some open problems of the theory will be presented.
Session 1: Introduction: Motivation in multidisciplinary applications. The abstract Cauchy problem of first and second order. Approach of the problem.
Session 2: Theory of (a; k)-regularized families: Generation, perturbation and approximation theorems. Unified structure map and examples.
Session 3: Qualitative properties of (a; k)-regularized families.
Session 4: The concept of weak solution: Parameter variation formulas.
Activity 2: meeting with doctoral students / thesis supervisors
Date: October 10th
Time: 10 a 12h
Venue: Seminar B2 Building 7A, first floor
Estimated duration: 2h
Content: Applications: Existence of weak solutions for linear and nonlinear equations.
Activity 3: meeting with thesis directors for joint projects
Date: October 10th
Time: 12 to 14h
Location: DMA Board Room, 2nd Floor, Building 7A
Estimated duration: 2h
Content: Presentation of some open problems.
PhD Program in Biotechnology (October 17-21, 2016)
Visiting Professor: Ari Sadanandom, Director of the Durham Centre for Crop Improvement Technology Consortium
Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects
Date: 19 October 2016
Time: 18h
Location: To be determined
Estimated duration: 2h
Content: Meetings with current and potential collaborators to discuss common actions in the field of research and in the context of the Doctoral Program.
Meeting with Ph.D. students / thesis directors
TitleBench to Field Research in Plant Biotechnology
Date: 20 October 2016
Time: 12h
Location: IBMCP Boardroom
Estimated duration: 2 hours
Content: This meeting will be open to the general public, although it is aimed at students of the Doctoral Program in Biotechnology and related Masters.
Meeting with the Director of the School of Doctoral Studies
Date: 20 October 2016
Time: To be determined
Location: To be determined
Estimated duration: 1h
Content: Define the procedures for the implementation of joint actions in the context of the Doctoral Program.
Seminar: Exploiting protein modification systems to boost crop productivity under stress
Date: 21 October 2016
Time: 12h
LocationYellow Cube Assembly Hall CPI
Estimated duration: 2 hours
ContentA scientific seminar on the research of Professor Sadanandom and/or his collaborators of the DCCIT Consortium for students of the Master and PhD Program and professionals working in the field of Plant Biology.
PhD Program in Water and Environmental Engineering AND PhD Program in Geomatics Engineering (2-3 November 2016)
Visiting Professor: Nicholas C. Coops, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Activity1: Meeting with UPV professors and researchers, Potential research collaboration with Integrated Remote Sensing Studio (University of British Columbia).
Time: 16:30
Place: Depto. Cartographic Eng
Estimated duration: 2 hours
Open discussion with UPV professors and researchers interested in presenting their research and in getting to know the Integrated Remote Sensing Studio (University of British Columbia), establishing potential collaborations, etc.
Activity2: Seminar, “Methods in forest monitoring and mapping”.
Date: 3/11/16
Time: 9:00
Place: Depto. Cartographic Engineering
Estimated duration: 1h 30m
Master class on Methods in forest disturbance monitoring and mapping for PhD students.
Activity3: Interactive session with doctoral students meeting with doctoral students / thesis supervisors
Title: Research opportunities in remote sensing and forestry / How to face scientific publications
Date: 3/11/16
Time: 11:00
Place: Depto. Cartographic Eng.
Estimated duration: 2h
Interactive talk with two parts, the first part on research opportunities in the field of remote sensing and geospatial information applied to forest management and ecology, the second part on how to prepare scientific research publications.
PhD Program in Biotechnology (November 7-11, 2016) CANCELLED
Visiting Professor: Asaph Aharoni, Weizzman Institute , Israel
For reasons beyond the organization’s control, this action has been cancelled.
PhD Program in Communication and Cultural Industries (November 8 and 11, 2016)
Visiting Professor: Salvador Aldana, Univ. Tecnológico de Monterrey, Carnegie Mellon USA
Imparting a course on Unity and its use with kinect to introduce us to the world of technologies for audiovisual art and data visualization, videomapping with Unity. Unity is one of the most widely used multiplatform systems for creating interactive 3D and 2D experiences, including video games. This course can also be taken not only by students of the doctorate in cultural industries and communication but also by interested students of technology from both the School of Telecommunications and the School of Computer Science.
Date: November 8th and 9th
Time: 16:00
Location: B.4.4 BBAA
Duration 4 hours each day (estimated)
Meeting with Ph.D. students / thesis directors
Title: Research possibilities in data visualization and augmented reality
Imparting 1 conference on their audiovisual and virtual reality projects of interest to our university community, which may be attended by teachers and students of the PhD program in Cultural Industries and Communication and CALSI and Music and the degree of both Fine Arts and engineering. Due to the entertaining nature of the subject, at least one of them will be open to all the public who wish to attend it, and it will be broadcast internationally via streaming on the Internet.
Date: November 10
Time: 16:00
Location: B 4.4 BBAA
Estimated duration: 2 hours
Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects
Title: Project Technologies for the Arts: Unity and Kinect, Preparation of a European Proposal
Advice for the preparation of a request for a European project in audiovisual technologies for education. The experience in Unity and Kinect in audiovisual immersive systems, as well as Professor Barrera’s connections with companies in Japan, United States and Mexico will be fundamental in the preparation of a good proposal for a European project in technologies for education.
As many activities may be repeated/added as deemed necessary. If an activity does not fit into one of the three proposed types, it may be added by changing its description.
Date: November 11
Time: 16:00
Location: B 4 4 4 BBAA
Estimated duration: 2 hours
PhD Program in Statistics and Optimization (November 18, 2016)
Visiting Professor: Annamaria Olivieri, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy.
Brief Introduction to Actuarial Calculation (Life Annuity Portfolios)
Date: 11/18/2016
Time: 10.00 -13.00
Venue: Assembly Hall, Building 7A
Seminar: High Age Mortality, Frailty and the Risk of Heterogeneity in Life Annuity Portfolios
Date: 11/18/2016
Hora: 15:30-18:30
Venue: Assembly Hall, Building 7A
Interlocution with doctoral students and directors; presentation of research lines and projects of the visitor and assistants.
Date: 11/18/2016
Time: To be specified
Venue: Assembly Hall, Building 7A
Dialogue with doctoral students and directors; possible proposals for mobility, co-direction of theses and collaborative projects.
Date: 11/18/2016
Time: To be specified
Venue: Assembly Hall, Building 7A
PhD Program in Animal Production Science and Technology (November 13 – 19, 2016)
Guest Professor: Marcial Ruiz Velazco
Activity 1, Seminar: Aquaculture Bio-economy
Date: Monday, November 14, Tuesday, November 15, Wednesday, November 16
Time: 9.00-11.00
Location: Classrooms Animal Science Building
Estimated duration: 6 hours
Economic models
Income function
Cost function
Utility Function
Benefit-cost ratio
Production at break-even point
Net Present Value
Internal rate of return
Models for aquaculture management
Conventional approaches
Alternative approaches
Concepts and definitions
Systems analysis
Models and types of models
Aquaculture bio-economy models
Biological production models
Variables, parameters and constants
Stock model
Linear and nonlinear models
Parameter estimation by regression
Construction of the production model
Production sensitivity analysis
Analysis of biological variability
Bio-economic analysis
Programming and simulation
Sensitivity analysis
Stochastic models
Risk analysis
Activity 2: Meeting with doctoral students / thesis supervisors
Date: Monday, November 14, Tuesday, November 15, Wednesday, November 16
Time: 11.20 – 14.20
Venue: Classrooms Animal Science Building
Estimated duration: 3 hours
Practical Cases:
1) Shrimp Aquaculture
2) Aquaculture of Mediterranean Marine Fishes
3) Aquaculture in RAS Systems
Activity 3: meeting with thesis directors for joint projects
Date: Thursday 17 and Friday 18 November
Time: 9.00 – 14.00
Venue: Animal Science Meeting Room
Estimated duration: 5 hours
+ Possibilities for exchange of teachers for joint courses
+ Possibilities for exchange of doctoral students
+ Joint doctoral thesis directions
+ Study of joint research projects
PhD Program in Food Science, Technology and Management (November 22-25)
Visiting Professor: James G. Lyng, University College of Dublin
Activity 1: Sharing of information about the establishment of collaborations within the doctoral program of both universities.
Fecha: 23/11/2016
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place:3P-ETSIAMN Building Meeting Room
Estimated duration: 3 h
The implementation of joint actions to promote the exchange of students within the doctoral programs of both universities will be addressed. Study of the establishment of agreements for the realization of doctoral theses in co-tutelage. Discussion about the use of these new technologies in the processing of typical Spanish products with professors of the PhD Program.
Activity 2: PhD Program in Food Science at UCD.
Fecha: 24/11/2016
Time: 10:30
Venue:3P-ETSIAMN Building Grade Room
Estimated duration: 120 min
The characteristics of the PhD program in Food Science at UCD will be presented, as well as the facilities available. A discussion will be established with the students on possibilities of collaboration, short stays, etc. and in particular, for those interested in the use of new technologies in food processing.
Activity 3, Seminar: Processing foods using novel technologies-my experience to date
Fecha: 24/11/2016
Time: 12:30
Venue:3P-ETSIAMN Building Grade Room
Estimated duration: 120 min
Dr. Lyng is an internationally recognized expert in the use of emerging thermal and non-thermal technologies in food processing. Among others, Dr. Lyng has studied the feasibility of the following emerging technologies:
Thermal: Ohmic heating, radio-frequency and microwave.
Non-thermal: High-voltage electrical pulses, ultrasound, high-intensity light pulses and blue light;
The seminar will showcase some of their work and experience in the evaluation of these technologies both to improve food preservation and to assess their impact on food quality and nutritional parameters. Applications of these technologies for the extraction of bioactive compounds from food will also be presented;
The seminar to be given can be considered of great interest to the students since very few scientists have accredited experience in the use of such a wide range of technologies.
PhD Program in Communication and Cultural Industries (November 25-30, 2016)
Visiting Professor: Marco Antonio Chávez Aguayo, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
Seminar: Cultural production and consumption in the virtual world in Second Life”.
Date: 25-11- 2016
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Place: Seminar 26 Faculty of Informatics
Estimated duration: 5 hours
The student will learn about the virtual world of Second Life as a platform with cultural and artistic applications that offer the possibility of producing cultural content for other users and consuming what is produced by other residents, through the characteristics of immediacy, immersiveness and interactivity. You will understand the process of creation of works of different artistic disciplines and get the experience of consuming the contents created by others, some of which happen in real time and interactively.
NOTE: Participants must have opened an account in the second life program and run the demo.
Presentation of lines of research in the field of cultural management and procedures to put it into practice.
Date: 28 -11-2016
Time: 16:00
Place:Faculty of Fine Arts classroom B-4-4 DCADHA
Estimated duration: 2 hours
Contact by e-mail with Vicent Giménez Chornet:
Exploration of lines of research in the field of cultural management and presentation of procedures and public calls, both national and international, to implement it.
Date 29-11-2016
Time: 16:00 hours
Venue: Faculty of Fine Arts, classroom B-4-4 DCADHA
Estimated duration: 2 hours
Content: Presentation of the lines of research developed by Dr. Marco Antonio Chávez and his collaborators at the University of Guadalajara in the area of cultural management.
Brief workshop of the UPV international area technicians to present the international public calls in which joint projects can be presented and presentation procedures.
For more information:
Contact with: Vicent Giménez Chornet by e-mail:
PhD Program in Art: Production and Research (24-30 November 2016).
Visiting Professor: Anne Douglas, Gray’s School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK.
Seminar “Context is half the work”: developing research through arts practice in transition to sustainability
“Context is half the work”: developing research through sustainability transition practices.
(Program students, professors)
Date: 25/11/16
Time: 12h.
Location: B.3.9 (Diibujo Graduate Room)
Estimated duration: 2h.
Meeting on exchanges and synergies between both doctoral programs.
Exhibition Line of research led by Anne Douglas (Program managers, directors, interested students).
Date: 25/11/16
Time: 17h.
Location: B.3.9 (Drawing Graduates Room)
Estimated duration: 2h
Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects
Possible joint research actions (Directors of Research Groups and Centers)
Date: 28/11/16
Time: 11 am.
Location: D.1.8 (Meeting Room II)
Estimated duration: 2h.
Conference: “Leading cultures of transition through arts practice”.
(Leading the culture of transition through artistic practice).
Date: 30/11/16
Time: 11:15h.
Place: Meeting Room Painting Dept.
Estimated duration: 2h.
Seminar to Master and Postgraduate students, Professor Anne Douglas: “Context is half the work”: developing research through arts practice in transition.
Keynote Lecture: Professor Anne Douglas, Leading cultures of transition through arts practice
PhD Program in Industrial Engineering and Production (November 22-30, 2016)
Guest Professor: José Gonzalo González Reyes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales)
Date: 22, 24, 28 and 30 /11/16 to 3011/16, 2h/day
Time: 12:00 noon
Place: Materials Engineering Classroom Building 5E 1st Floor
Seminar content
Proposal of mobility actions for doctoral students and analysis of the possibility of co-directing doctoral theses UPV-UNAM.
Activity 2: Meeting with doctoral students / thesis supervisors
Title: Proposal of mobility actions for doctoral students and analysis of the possibility of co-directing doctoral theses UPV-UNAM
Date: 23 Nov, 12:00h (1,5 hours)
Place:Materials Engineering Classroom Building 5E 1st Floor
Proposal of joint lines of research. Specifically in shape memory alloys.
Activity 3: Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects
Title: Proposal of joint research lines. Specifically in shape memory alloys.
Date: 28 Nov Time: 10:00 (1.5 hours)
Place:Materials Engineering Classroom Building 5E 1st Floor
PhD Program in Industrial Engineering and Production (November 30 – December 2, 2016)
Visiting Professor: Toms Torins, Riga Technical University
Activity 1, Seminar: Advanced additive manufacturing technologies, and their industrial applications
Fecha: 30/11/2016
Time: 15:30h a 19:00h
Venue:Manufacturing Processes Engineering Seminar Room
Estimated duration: 3 hours.
Attached document: “A brief description of the guest lecture content.pdf”.
A brief description of the guest lecture content
Activity 2: meeting with doctoral students / thesis supervisors
Date: 02/12/16
Time: 12:00h
Venue:Manufacturing Processes Engineering Seminar Room
Estimated duration: 2h
– Exposure of possibilities and technological areas of interest.
– Current experience, told by a student of the Riga University of Technology (Latvia) who is in the Doctoral Program in Industrial Engineering and Production.
Activity 3: meeting with thesis directors for joint projects
Date: 01/12/16
Time: 11:30h
Place: Manufacturing Processes Engineering Area Meeting Room
Estimated duration: 2h
– Review of the current operation of the UPV-RTU agreement for the co-tutoring of doctoral theses.
– Exploration of common areas of research.
– Exploration of possible applications for joint research projects.