Specific and Cross-curricular Training Activities

PhD. in Biotechnology

According to the applicable regulations, doctoral training shall include, in addition to the completion of the doctoral thesis, the performance by the doctoral student of specific and cross-curricular training activities.

Each training activity has a valuation in equivalent hours. The doctoral student will have to obtain a minimum of 600 equivalent hours in the development of the different training activities in order to present the thesis, of which at least 10 percent (60 hours) will correspond to cross-curricular training courses.

The evaluation in equivalent hours of each type of activity, as well as the maximum recognized evaluation, have been established by the Academic Committee of this Doctoral Program for its students, taking into consideration whether their dedication is full-time or part-time.

When the activity has been done in collaboration with other researchers (co-authorship), the student must fill out the corresponding form stating the % of participation for each one:

BlockMin.Max.Hours per activity (max.)
SpecificOriginal publication in a scientific journal indexed in the Science Citation Index with the doctoral student as first author.400 hours accepted publication
Original publication in a scientific journal indexed in the Science Citation Index with the doctoral candidate in a position other than first.00300 hours publication accepted
Book or book chapter with ISBN published by a competitive publisher0CAPD will award a percentage of 100 hours maximum per book or chapter, according to position and editorial quality.
Contributions to congresses published as full papers (in proceedings with ISBN) may be included in the book chapter section: maximum 10 hours/national, 20 hours/international.
Participation in national and international research conferences0National: Poster presentation: maximum 15 hoursOral presentation: maximum 30 hoursInternational: Poster presentation: maximum 35 hoursOral presentation: maximum 70 hours
Obtaining patents or plant breeders’ rights0In operation: 300 hours
Approved only: 100 hours
Direction / Co-direction of Final Degree Projects020 h per director10 h per co-director
Stays in research centers0Maximum 100h/month
Modification approved by the CAPD on September 4, 2018.

Important aspects to take into account:

  1. It is reminded that, in general, in all co-authored activities, the following co-authorship document must be uploaded to the application (together with a copy of the publication, conference communication, certificate of attendance, etc.) signed by all co-authors-in-training (IF) of the UPV and at least one senior researcher (IS), if possible the thesis supervisor.
  2. The degree of co-authorship 1, 2 or 3 (according to the attached co-authorship document) will be used to weight the maximum score for each activity (100%, 50% or less than 50%).
  3. The information on each activity will be uploaded to the Thesis Management application, Specific Activities section. Apart from the required documentation, a report from the director is required, valuing in hours each activity of your doctorate and justifying the assigned hours. This report can be written directly in the observations section enabled in the Thesis Management application (Specific Activities section) and in the case of SCI publications must include the quartile in which the journal is located and its impact index. The evaluation of the director will be based on the scores indicated in each case in the table on this page.

Further details for the valuation of specific activities can be found in the following guide.