PhD in Industrial Engineering and Production
Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the program
In particular, the most suitable profiles correspond, depending on the lines of research to be accessed, to the degrees in industrial, aeronautical, chemical and materials engineering, and the degrees corresponding to the new related degrees in Mechanical, Electrical, Biomedical, Energy Engineering, etc., with Masters in Manufacturing, Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering, Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Industrial Safety and Environment, Industrial Construction and Installations and Energy Technology.
The Academic Committee of the Doctorate in Industrial Engineering and Production will make the admission of applicants, who will be requested, once pre-registered in the program, information on the proposed Doctoral Thesis in the form of a document.
In any case, the following admission criteria will be taken into account:
- For applicants coming from any of the previously described masters of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, the Doctoral Thesis proposal will be analyzed with respect to the affinity of their training.
- For applicants coming from other master’s degrees of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, other Spanish universities and European universities of the European Higher Education Area, will be analyzed:
- The adequacy of the Doctoral Thesis proposal requested to the lines of research of the Doctorate.
- Affinity of the access training profile with the aforementioned lines of research of the PhD.
- Undergraduate and master’s degree transcripts.
- Related professional experience.
- Research merits in relation to the objectives of the Ph.
- For applicants coming from other foreign universities, the following will be analyzed:
- The adequacy of the requested Doctoral Thesis proposal to the research lines of the Doctorate.
- Affinity of the access training profile with the aforementioned lines of research of the PhD, which demonstrates the applicant’s ability to carry out the doctoral thesis in the proposed line of research.
- Undergraduate and master’s degree transcripts.
- Related professional experience.
- Research merits, of special relevance, in relation to the objectives of the Ph.
In those cases in which the Commission considers it necessary and in order to adequately evaluate the applicant’s profile, the applicant will be summoned to a personal interview where the adequacy of the report presented and the affinity of his/her training profile will be weighted.
This previous personal interview will be necessary in the case of admission and selection of students with specific educational needs derived from disability in order to evaluate the real possibilities and capabilities to address the proposed line of research or in any case to analyze the possible variations according to the tutor that the Commission will designate in each case.
The weighting of each of these sections will be 40% for the adequacy of the research report requested to the lines of research of the PhD and 60% for the affinity of the access training profile with the aforementioned lines of research of the PhD, which in turn will be weighted at 30% for the academic record of bachelor and master, 15% for the related professional experience and 15% for the research merits in relation to the objectives of the PhD. For admission, the applicant must achieve at least a 60% weighting.
In cases where the Academic Committee of the Doctorate considers it appropriate and necessary, and depending on the re-entry profiles, mainly for those applicants from other postgraduate programs, the Admission Committee may propose to the applicant the completion of complementary training courses, within those offered in the Postgraduate Masters, in order to complete, if necessary, the training deficiencies detected, and/or the completion of a research work related to the proposed line of research in order to complete their training prior to the development of the doctoral thesis, in order to be admitted to each of the different lines of research of the Program.
Once an applicant has been admitted to the doctorate, the Academic Committee of the Doctorate in Industrial Engineering and Production will assign a tutor who will ensure compliance with the proposed training plan. When applicants are admitted directly to the doctorate they must have a tutor and Thesis Director(s).
Training complements
The complementary training will be indicated, by the Academic Committee of the Doctorate, for each of the applications, from among the credits of the master’s degrees taught at the Universitat Politècnica de València.
Likewise, and after the evaluation of the line of research proposed by the applicant and the documentation provided on the research work he/she may have carried out during his/her studies, it will establish the need to carry out research work, as a complement to his/her training, which will allow him/her to subsequently complete the doctoral thesis.
In general terms, students with an industrial profile (Industrial Engineer, Industrial Organization Engineer, Materials Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Mining Engineer, Aeronautical Engineer and Naval Engineer) with a Master’s degree in Manufacturing, Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering, Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Industrial Safety and Environment, Industrial Construction and Facilities and Energy Technology, will have direct access to the reinvestigation phase of the PhD.
Similarly, new undergraduate degrees (Industrial Technology Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical, Electrical, Materials, Energy, Industrial Organization, Biomedical, etc.) in the industrial branch with Masters in Manufacturing, Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials, Industrial Safety and Environment, Construction and Industrial Facilities and Energy Technology, will have direct access to the research phase of the doctorate.
For those students of these previous degrees with a Master’s degree other than those listed above, the Commission will evaluate in a personalized way their training and the memory of the proposed line of research to establish the possible necessary complements that in any case will include the completion of a research work directed in the proposed line of 12 credits so that the applicant can acquire the skills and abilities necessary for the subsequent development of the doctoral thesis.
For other related degrees such as Telecommunications Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Civil Engineering, Building Engineering, Architects and graduates in Physics and Chemistry, with master’s degrees, the Commission will evaluate the profile and suitability of the undergraduate and postgraduate studies and will personally indicate the need for training courses among the fundamental subjects of the UPV master’s degrees most related to the doctorate, among which are the Master’s Degree in Manufacturing, Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials, Industrial Safety and Environment, Construction and Industrial Facilities and Energy Technology for Sustainable Development. In addition to the completion of a research work directed in the proposed line of 12 credits so that the applicant can acquire the skills and abilities necessary for the subsequent development of the doctoral thesis.
Basic and general competencies
- Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of research skills and methods related to that field.
- Ability to conceive, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial process of research or creation.
- Ability to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
- Ability to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas.
- Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about their fields of knowledge in the modes and languages commonly used in their international scientific community.
- Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural progress within a knowledge-based society.
Personal skills and abilities
- To develop in contexts where there is little specific information.
- Find the key questions to be answered to solve a complex problem.
- Design, create, develop and undertake novel and innovative projects in their field of knowledge.
- Work both in a team and autonomously in an international or multidisciplinary context.
- Integrate knowledge, deal with complexity and make judgments with limited information.
- Intellectual criticism and defense of solutions.
Other competencies
- Ability to work with advanced modeling and resolution techniques in the application of business process management and performance measurement systems to Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Systems (SPLCS).
- Ability to perform in the application of advanced quantitative methods and simulation to Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Systems (SPLCS).
- Ability to perform in advanced mechanical design technologies with the use of computational techniques, system simulation and in-service behavior.
- Ability to integrate knowledge for the development, selection and application of materials and their manufacture through advanced processes and systems.
- Ability to integrate knowledge for the analysis and characterization of different types of industrial pollution.
- Ability to work with techniques for the prevention and elimination of contamination in industry. Signal analysis, modeling and simulation of processes.
- Ability to work with deterministic and probabilistic analysis techniques to assess industrial safety in general and nuclear safety in particular.
- Ability to conceive and design industrial constructions and installations.
- Ability to develop energy technologies for sustainable development.