Seminars 2017

PhD. Program in Food Science, Technology and Management (Spilimbergo, November 13-17 )

Visiting Professor: Sara Spilimbergo, University of Padova, Italy

Seminar: High Pressure Lab, our expertise and approach in innovative food processes

Title: High Pressure Lab, our expertise and approach in innovative food processes.

Date: 16-11-17

Time: 11 h

Location: DTA

Estimated duration: 3.5 h

Content: Seminar: “High Pressure Lab, our expertise and approach in innovative food processes”. It will be taught at the ETSIAMN facilities and will be aimed at students and professors of the doctoral program.

Coordination meetings with the UPV faculty

Type of activity: meeting with PhD program coordinators

Title: Coordination meeting with PhD program coordinators

Date: 12-11-17

Time: 11:30h

Location: DTA

Estimated duration: 2h

Content: Meeting with the coordinators of the doctoral program to discuss the potential participation of Dr Spilimbergo in the co-direction of doctoral theses as well as in teaching Master’s courses related to new technologies.

UPV facilities visit

Type of activity: UPV facilities visit.

Title: Visit UPV facilities in the Food field.

Date: 14-11-17

Time: 10:30h

Location: DTA

Estimated duration: 3h

Content: Visit to the UPV facilities related to Food Technology, Department of Food Technology and CPI. Through the visit, the lines of research will be explained and possible collaborations will be discussed.

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Type of activity: Meetings with doctoral students / thesis directors

Date 1: 15-10-17

Time: 10:30h

Location: DTA

Estimated duration: 3h

Content: Meeting with professors of the Doctoral Program at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Discussion about the use of technologies based on supercritical fluids in the processing of typical spanish products.

Date 2: 17-11-17

Time: 10h Location: DTA

Estimated duration: 2.5h

Content: Interviews with students interested in the application of these technologies and in possible stays in Dr. Spilimbergo’s laboratory.

PhD. Program in Animal Production Science and Technology (Dufour, October 31 – November 3)

Visiting Professor: Sylvie Dufour, Research director, CNRS, MNHN Paris

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Type of activity: meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: Review of joint results and planning of pending publications.

Date: 31/10/17

Time: 10:00 h Location: DCA

Estimated duration: 4 h


Results of the REPRO-TEMP National Plan project and those generated as a result of stays of UPV staff in Paris financed by the COST AQUAGAMETE Action will be reviewed.

Meeting with doctoral students and thesis directors

Type of activity: meeting with doctoral students and thesis directors

Title: Review of work underway within the framework of the ITN IMPRESS

Date: 31/10/17 Time: 15:00

Location: DCA

Estimated duration: 1 h


Coordination meeting of underway activities and planned work within the framework of the ITN-IMPRESS (Marie Slodowska-Curie Program project, H2020).

Meeting with thesis directors and researchers

Type of activity: meeting with thesis directors and researchers

Title: meeting on exploring new possibilities for European funding.

Date: 2/11/17 Time: 9:00

Location: DCA

Estimated duration: 2.5 h


Possibilities of applying for joint funding  (ITN Marie S. Curie, new COST Action, bilateral projects, etc.).

Seminar: “Impact of gene and genome duplications on the endocrine control of fish reproduction”

Seminar: “Impact of gene and genome duplications on the endocrine control of fish reproduction”

Date: 2/11/17 Time: 12:00 h

Location: DCA

Estimated duration: 2 h


Dr. Dufour has been involved in sequencing the genome of the European eel and other fish species. It will explain to us how in the evolution of fish there have been several duplications of the complete genome and how this fact has had consequences on the endocrine control systems of the reproduction of different groups of fish.

Open to all students of the Animal Production Science and Technology Program and all members of the Institute of Animal Science and Technology.

Class for students of the Master’s Degree in Aquaculture (open to all students of the Doctoral Program)

Type of activity: Class for students of the Master’s Degree in Aquaculture (open to all students of the Doctoral Program)

Title: “Hormonal control of puberty and metamorphosis in fish” + Session to interpret results shown in various publications on hormonal control and interaction with students.

Date: 3/11/17 Time: 9:00

Location: DCA Estimated duration: 2 h


Theoretical class on the endocrine system of fish and interpretation of results in publications on the subject.

PhD. Program in Construction Engineering (Garlock, October 30 – November 3)

Visiting Professor: Maria E.M. Garlock, Civil & Environmental Engineering Associate Professor, Princeton University, EEUU

Seminar: Fire Following Earthquake (FFE): Structural and Community Level Response

Seminar: Fire Following Earthquake (FFE): Structural and Community Level Response.

Date: 30/10/2017 Time: 10:15-13:15

Location: Teaching Classroom of the Department of Construction Engineering

Estimated duration: 3 h


The seminar includes the following parts:

1) Structural response of moment resisting frames (MRFs) in FFE scenario. 

     – Measuring uncertainties in fire analyses (e.g. fuel, material properties).

     – Effects of fire location (floor level and bay) in MRF for FFE scenario .

2) Community-level considerations in FFE studies.  

    – Fragility functions for steel buildings: Methodology, sensitivity studies.

    – Fragility functions for steel buildings: Sensitivity studies.

    – Modeling post-earthquake fire ignitions in a community. Water and Electric Network Dependencies’ Influence on FFE

Seminar: Ethics in Structural Design

Title: Ethics in Structural Design.

Date: 2/11/2017 Time: 12:15-14:15

Location: Assembly hall of the Caminos Building 1 (Building 4H)

Estimated duration: 1 h


The seminar will show the importance of ethics in the professional life of the engineer through numerous practical cases.

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: Collaboration opportunities with Princeton University

Date: 3/11/2017

Time: 10:15-12:15 h

Location: Classroom of the Institute of Concrete Science and Technology (ICITECH)

Estimated duration: 2 hours


Prof. Maria Garlock will make a brief presentation of the main lines of research in the area of ​​“Mechanics, Materials and Structures” of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University. Next, the director of Icitech and the coordinator of the doctoral program in Construction Engineering will explain the research lines of Icitech and the department.

Afterwards, a discussion will be held with attendees to propose mobility actions, co-direction of Doctoral Theses and joint research projects.

PhD. Program in Computer Science (Mayr, November 2-3)

Visiting Professor: Heinrich C. Mayr, Institut für Angewandte Informatik, The Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria

Discussion sessions with directors aimed at proposing collaborative research projects

Type of activity: discussion sessions with directors aimed at proposing collaborative research projects

Date: 3/11/2017 Time: 9:00 h

Location: DSIC

Estimated duration: 2h


Online Software Testing and Software Quality Research Collaboration

Seminar: Domain Specific Model Engineering by the example of Ambient Assistance

Seminario: Domain Specific Model Engineering by the example of Ambient Assistance

Date: 2/11/2017  Time: 11:00  

Location: DSIC Conference Room  

Estimated duration: 3h


Models are the fundamental human instruments for managing complexity and under-standing. As such they play a key role in any scientific and engineering discipline as well as in everyday life. Many modeling paradigms evolved over time in the various disciplines which lead to a huge variety of modeling languages, methods and tools. This in particular is true for Informatics, which is a modeling discipline per se, and since long tries to system-atize the realm of modeling by (1) clarifying the hierarchy of modeling layers like e.g. in MOF (meta object framework), (2) introducing ontological commitments into model hier-archies for a better semantical grounding, (3) harmonizing various modeling approaches to unified/universal ones, and (4) providing a framework for a systematic domain specific modeling method (DSMM) design where universal approaches fail. This lecture focuses on (4) and explains the concepts of domain specific model engineering using Ambient Assistance as an example domain. Ambient Assistance (AA) is a growing field in ICT: The range of applications is broad and covers everyday situations in private and business environments as well as support for people with special needs. Consequently, AA is challenging for computer scientists, software engineers and information technicians in both, research and application, with lots of questions to answer and technical solutions to find. Dealing with the support of humans, it is an interdisciplinary field affecting Psy-chology, Neurology, Medicine, Law, Philosophy, and others more. Models play a key role in AA systems as they are the integral means for data and knowledge acquisition, repre-sentation, evaluation and exchange between the various system components. Given the heterogeneous stakeholder community, these models have to be lean, focused on the field and intuitively to understand. That opens the arena for domain specific modeling lan-guages and methods. The lecture will start with a short introduction on the fundamentals of modeling, the vari-ous paradigms and the state-of-the art of modeling in Informatics. It then gives an over-view of methods and techniques used in current approaches to AA. From that, the role of models in AA as well as the requirements on appropriate modeling approaches are de-rived. Based hereon, a framework for developing a domain specific modeling method in-cluding modeling language design and tool development will be set out.

Meeting with doctoral students and PROS researchers

Type of activity: meeting with doctoral students and PROS researchers

Title: 5 meetings with doctoral students and PROS researchers

Date: 2-3/11/2017 Time: soon

Location: DSIC Meeting Room

Estimated duration: 1 hour per meeting * 5 meetings


At least 5 R&D sessions with doctoral students and researchers from the PROS and DSIC Center aimed at proposing mobility actions, support in the completion of Doctoral Theses, possible co-direction of doctoral theses and development of joint lines of research. Scheduled sessions include doctoral students Beatriz Martins, Lenin Serrano, José Reyes, Ana León and Verónica Burriel.

Collaboration meeting on joint projects

Type of activity: collaboration meeting on joint projects

Title: IDEO

Date: 2/11/2017 Time: 17:00 h

Location: DSIC

Estimated duration: 2 h


Within the framework of the PROMETEO Phase 2 project “IDEO: Innovative Services for Digital Companies with ORCA” (ref: PROMETEO/14/039), it is intended to start a collaboration with the research team for the validation of the results of IDEO and ORCA. The IDEO project has as objectives: (1) the evolution of service development towards the “Capability as a Service” or CaaS paradigm, (2) the application of techniques based on MDE for the development of DSLs in industrial environments, (3) facilitate the evolution of ICT in changing environments, (4) the application of interaction modeling techniques in industrial environments, and (5) the introduction of mechanisms that ensure the quality of software developments. The results obtained during the first 3 years of the project will be presented to Hendrick Mayr, feedback will be requested in their evaluation and he will be counted on to define the production method of digital services that will be generated during this last year. . His extensive knowledge in knowledge engineering and management in the context of support and maintenance systems, as well as in the improvement of software processes and software project management will be a great contribution to the IDEO project.

Collaboration meeting on joint projects

Type of activity: collaboration meeting on joint projects

Title: DataMe

Date: 3/11/2017 Time: 12:00 h

Location: DSIC

Estimated duration: 2 horas 


New lines of collaboration in the field of the Excellence project that has just started “DataME- A model driven software production method for Big Data applications development” (ref: TIN2016-80811-P) and which will last 4 years. This project focuses on analyzing, formalizing and providing solutions to the conceptual and methodological challenges that arise when developing applications and services based on Big Data in industrial environments. Among the four scientific challenges addressed in this project, it is intended to collaborate closely with Hendrick Hayr, contributing their experience in Challenge 1 (D1) in which a precise conceptualization of what information is relevant to organizations will be established. From a methodological point of view, it is essential to align organizational goals and technological solutions, and Hendrick Mayr’s experience in modeling, analysis and development of information systems, as well as in modeling business and business processes, will be key to the holistic solution that will provide DataME.

Sesiones de interlocución con directores encaminadas al planteamiento de proyectos de investigación en colaboración

Type of activity: discussion sessions with directors aimed at proposing collaborative research projects.

Date: 2/11/2017 Time: 9:00 h

Location: DSIC

Estimated duration: 2h


Online research collaboration on Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things and its application in healthcare environments.

PhD. Program in Languages, Literature and Culture, and their Applications (Lorenzo, November 21-22)

Visiting Professor: Nuria Lorenzo-Dus, English Language & Applied Linguistics, Swansea University

Seminar: Exchange and (Ab)use of Trust in Digital Environments: An Approach from Discourse Analysis


[Sharing and the (Ab)Use of Trust in Digital Environments: A Discourse Analysis Approach]

Date: 21/11/17 Time: 10:00 h

Location: DLA Degree Room

Estimated duration: 2 h

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Type of activity: meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: Discourse analysis methodology combined with corpus linguistics (Corpus Assisted Discourse Studies)

Date: 22/11/17 Time: 10:00 h

Location: DLA Degree Room

Estimated duration: 2 h

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Type of activity: meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: Exchange of ideas for the development of a common research project

Date: 22/11/17   Time: 16:00

Location: DLA Degree Room

Estimated duration: 2 h

PhD. Program in Design, Manufacture and Management of Industrial Projects (Palacio, November 20-24 2017)

Visiting Professor: Juan Carlos Castro Palacio, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College London

Seminar: Shear viscosity of n-alkanes in the zero density region

Seminar: Shear viscosity of n-alkanes in the zero density region

Date: 20-11-2018

Time: 10:30 h

Location: ETSID Degree Hall (Building 7B, South)

Estimated duration: 3h

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Type of activity: meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: Modeling Transport Properties of Linear Alkanes and Their Mixtures.

Date: 21-11-2018

Time: 11:00 h

Location: ETSID Degree Hall (Building 7B, South).

Estimated duration: 1 h

Content: Exchange with doctoral students and guest directors of the “Doctoral Program in Design, Manufacturing and Management of Industrial Projects” with the aim of studying possible mobility actions for doctoral students under European funding and thesis co-supervision.

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Type of activity: Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: Modeling Transport Properties of Linear Alkanes and Their Mixtures.

Date: 24-11-2018

Time: 11:00 h

Location: ETSID Degree Hall (Building 7B, South).

Estimated duration:  1 h

Content: Exchange with thesis directors within the “Doctoral Program in Design, Manufacturing and Management of Industrial Projects” with the aim of studying possible joint applications for European funding projects.

PhD. Program in Languages, Literature and Culture, and their Applications (Orasan, May 10-12 2017)

Visiting Professor: Constantin Orasan, reader in computational linguistics at University of Wolverhampton, and the deputy head of the Research Group in Computational Linguistics.

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: “Introduction to applied computational linguistics”

Date: May-10-2017

Time: From 11:00 to 14:00 h

Location: Degree Hall of the Department of Applied Linguistics

Estimated duration: 3 h

Seminar: Enhancing translation memories with linguistic information

Title: “Enhancing translation memories with linguistic information ”

Date: May-11-2017

Time: From 11:00 to 13:00 h

Location: Degree Hall of the Department of Applied Linguistics

Estimated duration: 3 h


In this seminar, Professor Orasán will present the bases of Computational Linguistics and the types of tools that are used to label, disambiguate and learn about the uses of corpus labeling and processing. He will explain the projects of the Research Group in Computational Linguistics that are being carried out within the Research Institute in Information and Language Processing at the University of Wolverhampton.

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: “Herramienta METOOL”

Date: May-12-2017

Time: From 11:00 to 14:00

Location: Degree Hall of the Department of Applied Linguistics

Estimated duration: 3 h

PhD. Program in Animal Production Science and Technology (Gianola, May 22-26)

Visiting Professor: Daniel Gianola, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Wisconsin Madison



Date: May 22-26

Time: From 9:30 to 14:00 h

Location: Classroom 1-ICTA

Estimated duration: 20h


1. Introduction. Molecular markers and prediction. Predictive inference. Cross-validation. Overview of some penalized methods.

2. Review of least-squares, maximum likelihood and best linear unbiased prediction.

3. GWAS (genome-wide association study) and pitfalls.

4. Review of Bayesian inference, MCMC and Bayesian regression. Bayesian predictive distributions

5. Challenges from complexity: over-parameterization, instrumental models, errors in gene action specification.

6. Genomic BLUP and genomic studentized prediction (GSTUP). The Bayesian alphabet (Bayes A, B, C, Bayesian Lasso, Bayes R).

7. The problem of dealing with gene-gene-gene-….-gene interactions.

8. Introduction to non-parametric regression: kernel methods and neural networks.

9. Estimating distributions of prediction errors via re-sampling.

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: Improvement programs at ICTA

Date: May 22

Time: 15:30 h

Location: ICTA Library

Estimated duration: 2h

Content: Examination of improvement programs that give rise to doctoral theses.

PhD. Program in Industrial Engineering and Production (Zio, May 30-31)

Visiting Professor: Enrico Zio, Dipartimento di Energia – Politecnico di Milano

Seminar: Risk analysis 4.0 for complex systems and critical infrastructures

Seminar: Risk analysis 4.0 for complex systems and critical infrastructures

Date: 30/05/2017

Time: 11:00h

Location: ETSII Degree Hall

Estimated duration: 2,5 h

Content: Attachment PDF

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Type of activity: Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: Risk analysis 4.0 for complex systems and critical infrastructures

Date: 31/05/2017

Time: 11:00 h

Location: Nuclear Engineering Seminar

Estimated duration: 1,5 h

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Type of activity: meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: Risk analysis 4.0 for complex systems and critical infrastructures

Date: 31/05/2017

Time: 12:30 h

Location: Nuclear Engineering Seminar

Estimated duration: 1,5 h

PhD. Program in Architecture, Building, Urban Planning and Landscape (Samuel, June 22-23)

Visiting Professor: Flora Samuel, Professor of Architecture in the Built Environment, University of Reading, UK



Date: 22/06/17

Time: 15:00-16:00 h

Location: ETSA screening room

Estimated duration: 1h

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors


Date: 22/06/17

Time: 16:00-17:30 h

Location: ETSA screening room.

Estimated duration: 1h 30m

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: Elaboration 1st the proposal Marie-Curie. Workshop_ sessions by groups

Date: 23/06/17

Time: 14:30-16:30 h

Location: ETSA screening room.

Estimated duration: 2h

PhD. Program in Architecture, Building, Urban Planning and Landscape – II (Marina, June 22-23)

Visiting Professor: Prof. Ognen Marina PhD, Head of Institute of Building Construction, FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE SKOPJE, SS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS UNIVERSITY IN SKOPJE, Macedonia

Seminar: Shaping the habitat through Community participation

Title: Shaping the habitat through Community participation

Date: 23/06/2017

Time: 9:30-10:30 h

Location: ETSA

Estimated duration: 1.00 h


It is widely acknowledged that citizens need to have an active role in the processes of defining their living spaces, at the various scales, from the domestic to the public. This poses some challenges:

– Fostering pedagogic paradigms such as “action learning” and “action research” in the curriculum dealing with housing in the architecture and planning schools.

– Creating spaces of interaction and collaboration between local stakeholders and academic representatives

– Developing methodologies which facilitate the dialogue and exchange of knowledge between professionals and citizens

– Forming architects and planners with the skills and attitudes that enable them to carry out projects with the participation of non-professionals (co-housing, participatory planning,…)

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: Presentations PhD students_ Shaping the hábitat through Community participation

Date: 23/06/2017 Time: 10:30-14:30 h

Location: ETSA

Estimated duration: 2.30 h

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: Elaboration 1st the proposal Marie-Curie. Workshop_ sessions by groups

Date: 23/06/2017

Time: 13:00-16:30

Location: ETSA

Estimated duration: 3h 30min

PhD. Program in Industrial Engineering and Production (Moreira, June 26-28 2017)

Visiting Professor: Conrado Ramos Moreira Afonso, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Matérias da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil

Seminar: Transmission Electronic Microscopy applied to Materials Science

Seminar: Transmission Electronic Microscopy applied to Materials Science

Date: 26/06/2017

Time: 11:00 h

Location: Materials Engineering seminar classroom. Building 5E 1st floor.

Estimated duration: 12 hours

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Discussion session with doctoral students and directors

Date: 27/06/2017

Time: 16:00 h

Location: Materials Engineering seminar classroom. Building 5E 1st floor

Estimated duration: 1.5 hours

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Interlocution session with thesis directors

Date: 28/6/2017

Time: 16:00 h

Location: Materials Engineering seminar classroom. Building 5E 1st floor

PhD. Program in Industrial Engineering and Production (Pallone, July 4-6)

Visiting Professor: Eliria Pallone, Sao Paulo University, Brasil

Seminar: Rapid Sintering Processes of Advanced Ceramics: Flash Sintering

Seminar: Rapid Sintering Processes of Advanced Ceramics: Flash Sintering

Date: July-5-2017

Time: 10:00h

Location: Materials Engineering seminar classroom. Building 5E 1st floor

Estimated duration: 5 hours

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Type of activity: Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Date: July-4-2017

Time: 10:00 h

Location: Materials Engineering seminar classroom. Building 5E 1st floor

Estimated duration: 2 hours

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Type of activity: Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Date: July-6-2017

Time: 10:00 h

Location: Materials Engineering seminar classroom. Building 5E 1st floor

Estimated duration: 3 hours

PhD. Program in Industrial Engineering and Production (Chinesta, July 6-7)

Visiting Professor: Francisco Chinesta, Ecole Centrale of Nantes

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Type of activity: meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Date: 6/7/2017

Time: 16:30 h

Location: DIMM

Estimated duration: 2,5 hours


Doctoral thesis projects related to the structural optimization of mechanical components are currently being launched, which in part arose from the view of Prof. F. Chinesta the previous year. With your visit this year, collaborations and/or future stays of potential doctoral students will be defined. On the other hand, it is of interest for the doctoral program to consolidate the collaboration of Prof. Chinesta and seek joint lines of research to propose new interesting projects for both centers, such as those related to biomechanics, for which there is currently collaboration at the level of investigation.

Seminar: Data-Driven Computational Mechanics

Seminar: Data-Driven Computational Mechanics

Date: 7/7/2017

Time: 9:00 h

Location: DIMM

Estimated duration: 3,5 hours


Traditionally, computational mechanics has been based on the use of certain mathematical equations that have been assumed capable of describing with sufficient precision physical phenomena that occur in nature, such as Hook’s law traditionally used in the field of computational mechanics for materials. like steel. However, there are many other materials in nature that do not conform at all to the behavior described by this law or any other formulated so far. Among them can be found soft tissues in the field of computational mechanics. This is just an example of situations in which we do not have mathematical equations that are capable of modeling physical behaviors. To solve this difficulty, Data-Driven Computational Mechanics proposes the use of experimental data and not models to perform the computational calculation of mechanical systems. This avoids the step of having to adjust mathematical models that are not capable of simulating the real behavior of the physical process.

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Type of activity: meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Date: 7/7/2017

Time: 12:30 h

Location: DIMM

Estimated duration: 2 hours


At the DIMM, doctoral theses are being carried out in various fields, among which the biomechanical simulation of tissues, implants, prostheses… on the one hand, and the dynamic simulation of railway systems on the other. All of this is normally analyzed by the Finite Element Method. In certain specific applications that our doctoral students face, it is difficult to adjust models that simulate real physical behaviors. Therefore, the sharing of students’ problems and concerns and the interaction with the visiting professor will serve as a boost to their careers as researchers.

PhD. Program in Mathematics (Bes, July 19-21 2017)

Visiting Professor: Juan Bes, faculty in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Bowling Green State University

Seminar: Linear Dynamics

Title: Linear Dynamics

Date: July- 19 and 20 – 2017

Time: From 10:00 to 13:00 h

Location: Seminar B2, Building 7A

Estimated duration: 6 hours


The linear dynamics of operators will be presented with special emphasis on the linear and algebraic structures of the set of hypercyclic vectors. Topological, geometric, spectral and theory of determining functions factors in the linear/algebraic structure of said set will be presented. The study of the classes of convolution and composition operators in holomorphic function spaces will be developed. Very recent advances and open problems of the theory will be presented.

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: Multigenerated hypercyclic algebras. Hypercyclic algebras of operator families.

Date: July-21-2017

Time: From 10:00 h

Location: Seminar B2, Building 7A

Estimated duration: 2 hours

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: “Presentation of some open problems”

Date: July-21-2017

Time: From 10:00 h

Location: Seminar B2, Building 7A

Estimated duration: 2 hours

PhD. Program in Technologies for Health and Wellbeing (Irastorza, September 4-8)

Visiting Professor: RAMIRO M. IRASTORZA, Univ La Plata

Seminar: Radiofrequency and biological tissues. Experiments and computational modeling

Seminar: Radiofrequency and biological tissues. Experiments and computational modeling

Date: September 4-5

Time: 9:30-12:30h

Location: Noble Room, 5th floor, building 7F

Estimated duration: 6 hours


The seminar to be taught aims to introduce the student to the study of radiofrequency and its interaction with biological tissues, particularly animal and human tissues. In general, this area is common to a large number of biomedical applications for both diagnosis and treatment. The applications on which we will place greater emphasis are those linked to the thermal effects of the application of radio frequency.

The focus of the seminar is mainly computational and particular examples of commercial programs will be shown that will introduce the student to the resolution and modeling of this type of problems using finite elements. However, as an introduction, some experiments will be discussed to determine the dielectric and thermal properties of fabrics.


  • Promote the understanding of the general and specific concepts of the interaction of radiofrequency with biological tissues, focusing on thermal effects.
  • Encourage the analysis of electrodynamic and thermal phenomena for their application to the field of biomedical engineering.
  • Promote the understanding of laboratory experiments to obtain dielectric (radiofrequency) and thermal properties of biological tissues.
  • Enable application software management skills to solve problems related to the electromagnetic and thermal phenomena described.

Thematic units of the seminar:

Part 1. Introduction  (duration 1.5 hours).

General introduction to biomedical applications of radiofrequency. Dielectric properties of fabrics: permittivity and electrical conductivity as a function of frequency. Parametric models Debye, Cole-Cole, and others. Models of electrical conductivity and temperature. Description of experiments. Thermal properties of tissues: thermal conductivity, specific heat, and perfusion. Conductivity models and specific heat as a function of temperature. Description of experiments.

Part 2. Bioheat equation and description of applications (1.5 hours).

Introduction to radiofrequency ablation and its applications. Description of the electrical problem equation. Description of the Bioheat Equation. Models for tissue damage assessment. Resolution by finite elements.

Part 3. Examples and practice with software (3 hours).

Introduction to solving problems using finite elements with Comsol. Comsol integration with Matlab: tutorial and general examples. Geometry construction and geometry parameterization using Matlab. Particular example: implementation of automatic PID control of a radiofrequency ablation electrode. Parameterization of models and iteration on them. Activation and deactivation of domains.


-Grimnes S.; Martinsen O.G.; Bioimpedance & Bioelectricity. Basics. Elsevier Publishing. 3rd Ed. Year 2015.

-Welch  A.J.; van Gemert M.J.C.; Otpical-Thermal Response of Laser-Irradiated Tissue. Springer Publishing. 2nd Ed. Year 2011.

-Comsol 5.1 and Matlab manuals and tutorials.

-Recent scientific publications that will be mentioned during the course.

The seminar will be taught in two sessions (I and II) of three hours: session I will consist of parts 1 and 2 and session II will correspond to part 3.

The seminar is aimed at both the training of students and teachers.

Discussion meetings with UPV faculty

Type of activity: discussion meetings with UPV faculty

Date: September – 5 and 6 – 2017

Time: 15:30-18:00 (Tuesday the 5th), 9:30-11:30 (Wednesday the 6th)

Location: Meeting room of the Electronic Engineering department

Estimated duration: 4,5 hours


The meeting sessions with teachers will have a double objective. On the one hand, these meetings must serve for the invited researcher to present his current lines of research and propose collaborations with UPV faculty. On the other hand, Dr. Irastorza has students involved in these lines of work and will present mobility actions or co-direction of works or thesis. Likewise, interested UPV faculty may also present lines of research or mobility actions that may be of interest to Dr. Irastorza.

Discussion meeting with UPV doctoral students

Type of activity: discussion meeting with UPV doctoral students

Date: September 6th 2017

Time: 12:00-14:00h

Location: Meeting room of the Electronic Engineering department

Estimated duration: 2 hours


After the meeting sessions with teaching staff, a meeting session is proposed with UPV doctoral students who may be interested in collaborating in Dr. Irastorza’s lines of research and/or in mobility actions. In this session, Dr. Irastorza will present his current lines of research, the terms in which collaboration is proposed, and specific information on mobility actions. Likewise, it will collect the impressions and interests of the students in its proposals.

Coordination meetings with UPV faculty

Type of activity: coordination meetings with UPV faculty

Date: September 4 and 8, 2017

Time: 3:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. (Monday the 4th), 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. (Friday the 8th)

Location: Participating faculty office

Estimated duration: 7 hours


Currently, Dr. Irastorza collaborates in several lines of research with UPV faculty, so the stay must also serve to have meetings with said faculty. Through these meetings, the aim would be to review the status of the work being worked on at that time, promote it and propose possible new lines of study.

Two meetings of this type are proposed, one at the beginning and another (of longer duration) at the end of the stay. The idea is that in the first the current topics are reviewed and in the second the continuation of the common work and/or new study topics are proposed, which will depend on the previous meetings held with teachers and students.

Bench experiment session

Type of activity: bench experiment session

Date: September 7th, 2017

Time: 9:00-18:00h

Location: Laboratory of the Biosignals and Radiological Imaging Engineering Group (2nd floor, Building 7F)

Estimated duration: 8 hours


The lines of research in which UPV faculty and Dr. Irastorza currently participate include bench experimentation. The experimentation sessions are carried out in laboratories of the UPV or the Institute of Physics of Liquids and Biological Systems, La Plata, Argentina  (to which the guest researcher has access) depending on the technical resources that are necessary. Due to the distance that separates the two centers, only personnel from the same center are present in the experimentation sessions. It is interesting that during some experimentation sessions there were personnel from both centers, which would be possible with Dr. Irastorza’s stay.

PhD. Program in Technologies for Health and Wellbeing (Romero, September 4-8)

Visiting Professor: Ricardo Romero Méndez, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí Center for Research and Graduate Studies (Mexico)

Seminar: Numerical algorithms for solving heat transfer problems in biological tissues

Seminar: Numerical algorithms for solving heat transfer problems in biological tissues

Date: September 4th and 5th, 2017

Time: 15:30 – 18:30h

Location: Noble Room, 5th floor, building 7F

Estimated duration: 6 hours


The content of the seminar is divided into the following blocks:

  1. Introduction to the method of finite volumes.
  2. Inclusion of terms from the Pennes equation in a finite volume model.
  3. The explicit enthalpy method applied to heat biotransfer problems.
  4. Management of variable properties.
  5. Uniform and non-uniform meshes.
  6. Example of simulation programmed in Matlab.

Discussion meetings with UPV faculty

Type of activity: discussion meetings with UPV faculty

Date: September 6th and 8th 2017

Time: 9:30-11:30h

Location: Meeting room of the Electronic Engineering department

Estimated duration: 4 hours


The meeting sessions with teachers will have a double objective:

On the one hand, these meetings must serve for the invited researcher to present his current lines of research and propose collaborations with UPV faculty. On the other hand, Dr. Romero has students involved in these lines of work

and will present mobility actions or co-direction of works or thesis. Likewise, interested UPV faculty may also present lines of research or mobility actions that may be of interest to Dr. Romero.

Discussion meetings with UPV doctoral students

Type of activity: discussion meetings with UPV doctoral students

Date: September 06th 2017

Time: 12:00-14:00h

Location: Meeting room of the Electronic Engineering department

Estimated duration: 2 hours


After the meeting sessions with teaching staff, a meeting session is proposed with UPV doctoral students who may be interested in collaborating in Dr. Romero’s lines of research and/or in mobility actions.

In this session, Dr. Romero will present his current lines of research, the terms in which collaboration is proposed, and specific information on mobility actions. Likewise, it will collect the impressions and interests of the students in its proposals.

Coordination meetings with UPV faculty

Type of activity: coordination meetings with UPV faculty

Date: September 08th 2017

Time: 11:30-17:30 h

Location: Participating faculty office

Estimated duration: 6 hours


Currently, Dr. Romero collaborates in several lines of research with UPV faculty, so the stay must also serve to have meetings with said faculty. Through these meetings, an attempt would be made to review the status of joint work, promote it and propose possible new lines of study.

Two meetings of this type are proposed, one at the beginning and another (of longer duration) at the end of the stay. The idea is that in the first the current topics are reviewed and in the second the continuation of the common work and/or new study topics are proposed, which will depend on the previous meetings held with teachers and students.

Bench experiment session

Type of activity: bench experiment session

Date: September 07th 2017

Time: 9:00-18:00h

Location: Laboratory of the Biosignals and Radiological Imaging Engineering Group (2nd floor, Building 7F)

Estimated duration: 8 hours

Content: The lines of research in which UPV faculty and Dr. Romero currently participate include bench experimentation. The experimentation sessions are carried out in laboratories of the UPV or the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, Mexico (to which the guest researcher has access) depending on the technical resources that are necessary. Due to the distance that separates the two centers, only personnel from the same center are present in the experimentation sessions. It is interesting that during some experimentation sessions there were personnel from both centers, which would be possible with Dr. Romero’s stay.

PhD. Program in Water and Environmental Engineering (Sandoval, September 4-8)

Visiting Professor: Samuel Sandoval Solís, University of California, Davis

Seminar: Balancing Human and Environmental Water Needs for Water Resources Management

Seminar: Balancing Human and Environmental Water Needs for Water Resources Management 

Date: September 4-8 2017 Hora: 10:00 – 12:00h

Location: ETSICCP, classroom to be determined

Estimated duration: 10 hours (2 hours per session)

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Type of activity: meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: Exchange opportunities with UCDavis for PhD students

Date: September 6th 2017 Time: 16:00h

Location: ETSICCP, classroom to be determined (planned A6)

Estimated duration: 2 hours

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Type of activity: meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: Lines of research and possible avenues of collaboration UPV-UCDavis

Date: September 7th 2017 Time: 16:00h

Location: ETSICCP, classroom to be determined (planned A6)

Estimated duration: 2 hours

PhD. Program in Business Management and Administration (Pacón, September 25-29 2017)

Visiting Professor: Ana María Pacón, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Munich) and Pontifical Catholic University of Lima

Seminar: How to protect innovations? The international IP system.

Seminario: How to protect innovations? The international IP system

Date: SEPTEMBER 25TH 2017

Time: 12:00H

Location: CEGEA Seminar 1, 3rd floor Faculty of Business Administration and Management, Building 7J, UPV.

Estimated duration: 3h

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: Intellectual property and doctoral theses

Date: SEPTEMBER 27TH 2017

Time: 12:00h

Location: CEGEA Seminar 1, 3rd floor Faculty of Business Administration and Management, Building 7J, UPV.

Estimated duration: 2h

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: The intellectual property component in R&D projects

Date: SEPTEMBER 29TH 2017

Time: 12:00h

Location: CEGEA Seminar 1, 3rd floor Faculty of Business Administration and Management, Building 7J, UPV.

Estimated duration: 2h

PhD. Program in Communication and Cultural Industries (Gorráiz, CANCELED)

Visiting Professor: Juan Gorraiz, Vienna University Library and Archive Services, Wien, Austria

Seminar: Indicators to evaluate social sciences and humanities

Seminario: Indicators to evaluate social sciences and humanities

Date: 3-5 Oct. Time: 11h

Location: ETSINF assembly hall

Estimated duration: 6 h


During the seminar, the latest trends in research on the indicators that are applied to evaluate the scientific production of researchers will be presented, with special emphasis on social sciences and humanities. These fields are those covered in the Communication and Cultural Industries doctoral program. As is known, they suffer from their own idiosyncrasies that, although taken into account by evaluation and accreditation agencies, provoke the exploration of new methods and indicators since it is a field in which they are not fully consolidated.


  • Context of science evaluation
  • International science policies
  • Top rated citation indexes
  • Other repertoires
  • The unstoppable advance of the Almetricas
  • Latest trends from the European School of Bibliometrics
  • The case of the social sciences
  • The case of the humanities
  • The application at the University of Vienna
  • Publications in ISSI and Scientometrics

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Type of activity: Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: The Bibliometrics Unit of the University of Vienna

Date: 4 Oct. Time: 10h

Location: ETSINF Estimated duration: 1 h


Session aimed at proposing mobility actions and co-direction of Doctoral Theses.

The session will be planned jointly so that any doctoral student or director can explore the possibility of a stay in their laboratory. Dr. Gorraiz has several collaborators with the ability to communicate in Spanish and infrastructure to accommodate them. The theses in project will be examined to propose a possible co-direction

Another added value to their stay is to make doctoral students aware of the need to act strategically in the preparation of their thesis and subsequent results for the evaluation of their academic career. The contents taught will specifically guide these social and humanities profiles with the new trends in indicators.

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Type of activity: Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: Collaboration possibilities. Sharing common lines of research

Date: 4 Oct. Time: 13h

Location: ETSINF Estimated duration: 1 h


Discussion session with directors aimed at proposing collaborative research projects

Only thesis supervisors will be invited to this session. Dr. Gorraiz will present the research lines of his laboratory. The directors will be given the opportunity to present those that may be related. Finally, the research projects that are considered appropriate will be proposed collectively or individually.

PhD. Program in Computer Science (Borges, October 16-20)

Visiting Professor: Marcos R. S. Borges, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Departamento de Ciência da Computação

Seminar: CSCW – Group Work – 20 years of the past, 10 years of future research opportunities

Seminar: CSCW – Group Work – 20 years of the past, 10 years of future research opportunities

Date: 16, 17 y 18/10 

Time: 9:00-13:00h

Location: Seminar 0S01 of building 1F

Estimated duration: 10h

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Type of activity: meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: Including Teamwork support in your research work

Date: 20/10

Time: 10:00-13:00h

Location: Seminar 0S01 of building 1F

Estimated duration: 3 h

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Type of activity: meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: Topics for Scientific Cooperation between UPV and UFRJ

Date: 19/10

Time: 9:00-12:00h

Location: Seminar 0S01 of building 1F

Estimated duration: 3 h

PhD. Program in Local Development and International Cooperation (Raufflet, October 24-27)

Visiting Professor: Emmanuel Raufflet, Professeur titulaire, Département de Management, HEC Montréal, Canadá

Research seminar: University and civil society collaboration for social transformation

Seminar: From praxis and towards praxis: transformative social research approach.

Date: 26/10 Time: 12.00h

Location: Ingenio Institute.

Estimated duration: 90 minutes


Several research fields, among which Management and International Development Studies, emerged from the need for practitioners, decision-makers and policy-makers to make research-informed, potentially better decisions, and to improve praxis. This seminar will discuss the praxis-research interface, from epistemological, ontological, social, and practical perspectives. Based on a review of the literature and on the presenter’s experience, it will discuss the potential and the challenges of what a transformative social research would be.

Emmanuel Raufflet (Professor, Management and sustainable development, HEC Montréal) has experience in collaborating with several organizations from the private, governmental, and civil society around organization-specific, domain specific, as well as policy-related issues. His work has been published in The Journal Of Management Studies, International Journal of Management Reviews, the Journal of Business Ethics, among others. He has edited several books, authored and co-authored more than 40 chapters and authored around teaching 50 cases. He has coedited special issues of The Journal of Business Ethics, and Management Decision. He is a member of Crises (Research Centre on Social Innovation), Montréal, Canada.   

Inaugural conference Official Master of Development Cooperation.

Inaugural conference Official Master of Development Cooperation.

Date: 24/10 Time: 16.00-18.00h

Location: ETSII Classroom

Estimated duration: 2 hours.

Meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Type of activity: meeting with doctoral students / thesis directors

Title: From praxis and towards praxis: transformative social research approach.

Date: 25 Time: 11.00h

Location: Ingenio Institute.

Estimated duration: 2 h

Meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Type of activity: meeting with thesis directors for joint projects

Title: Exploring possibilities for research collaboration

Date: 26/10 Time: 16.00h

Location: Ingenio Institute.

Estimated duration: 2 hours

Workshop monographic number in the magazine RECERCA (UJI)

Type of activity: Workshop monographic number in the magazine RECERCA (UJI)

Title: Critical readings of alternative economic and business models.

Date: 27/10 Time: 10.00 h

Location: Ingenio

Estimated duration: 8 hours