General guidelines for the assignment of directors by the Academic Committees

By agreement of the Steering Committee of the School of Doctoral Studies, March 03, 2020

The Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28th of January, which regulates the official doctorate courses, states:

In article 2, point 4, that “The Thesis Director is the maximum responsible in the conduction of the whole of the research tasks of the doctoral candidate, in the terms provided in article 12 of this norm”.

Article 11, point 3, states that ‘Once admitted to the doctoral programme, each doctoral student will be assigned a thesis director by the corresponding academic commission. This assignment may be made by any Spanish or foreign doctor with accredited research experience. Likewise, a tutor will be assigned, a Doctor with accredited research experience, linked to the programme, who will be responsible for ensuring the interaction of the PhD student with the Academic Commission. The tutor may or may not coincide with the Director of the doctoral thesis’.

Article 12, point 2. ‘The universities, through the Doctoral School or the corresponding unit responsible for the doctoral programme, may establish additional requirements to be thesis director’.

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After the exchange of opinions held at the meeting of coordinators of doctoral programs, held on January 17, 2020, the Steering Committee of the School of Doctoral Studies, agrees to approve the following guidelines for the assignment of directors by the CAPD:

  1. Usually, one of the professors belonging to the research teams of the doctoral program will be assigned as thesis director. These professors will have at least one recognized six-year research degree, or merits equivalent to this, and at least one thesis directed, or in direction, in the last 6 years. The review of the members of the program’s research teams will be carried out every two years.
  2. In the case of theses developed in collaboration with other institutions or companies, the Academic Commission may assign a director or directors from this institution or company, as long as they comply with the conditions required by RD 99/2011, and a tutor or co-director UPV, who will be part of the set of directors included in the research teams of the program.
  3. UPV researchers who do not belong to the research teams of the doctoral program may direct theses in that program with the prior approval of the Academic Commission, which will evaluate their research career and the relevance or not of appointing a co-director of the thesis who is part of the research teams of the program.
  4. Junior researchers who have not previously supervised doctoral theses, but who have a recognized six-year research degree, or merits equivalent to this, may be assigned to supervise theses. In these cases, it is recommended that the thesis be co-directed by one of the members of the program’s research teams.