2023 Seminars

D. Program in Design, Manufacture and Management of Industrial Projects

Seminar: Co-creation and generative research tools from a systemic perspective

  • Visiting Professor: Dr. Juan Carlos Briede Westermeyer (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)
  • UPV Professor in charge: Bernabé Hernandis Ortuño
  • Scheduled dates: 16-10-2023, 18-10-2023 and 20-10-2023

D. Program in Architecture, Building, Heritage and the City

Seminar: Taller Nuestras Arquitectas Valencia

  • Guest Professor: Dr. Inés Moisset Espanés (CONICET Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina)
  • UPV Professor in charge: Eva María Álvarex Isidro
  • Scheduled date:from 04-10-2023 to 06-10-2023

D. Program in Communication and Cultural Industries

Seminar: Heritage and Citizenship

  • Visiting Professor: Dr. Mariano Castellanos Arenas (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico))
  • UPV Professor in charge: Vicent Giménez Chornet
  • Target date: 03-10-2023

D. Program in Statistics and Optimization

Seminar: Applications of Simulation and Heuristics in the development of Parametric Bonds for Insurance Coverage against Natural Disasters

  • Visiting Professor: Dr. Roberto Guidotti (Guy Carpenter, New York, USA)
  • UPV Professor in charge: Ángel Alejandro Juan Pérez
  • Target date: 28-09-2023

D. Program in Geomatics Engineering

Seminar: Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) – new perspectives for real-time satellite positioning and atmosphere applications

  • Visiting Professor: Dr. Tomasz Hadas (Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences-Poland)
  • UPV Professor in charge: Ángel Martín Furones
  • Planned dates: 20-09-2023 to 22-09-2023

D. Program in Industrial Engineering and Production

Seminar: Analysis of the microstructure of materials by XRD and electron diffraction (SAD and EBSD).

  • Visiting Professor: Dr. José Gonzalo González Reyes (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
  • UPV Professor in charge: Vicente Amigó Borrás
  • Target date: 11-09-2023

D. Program in Technologies for Health and Wellbeing

Seminar: Multimodal reconstruction of the digital heart for real-time cardiac interventions.

  • Visiting Professor: Dr. Abhirup Banerjee (University of Oxford)
  • UPV Professor in charge: David Moratal Pérez
  • Target date: 04-07-2023

D. Program in Food Science, Technology and Management

Seminar: State of the art of developing applicable and effective edible packaging materials

  • Visiting Professor: Dr. Mahboobeh Kashiri (Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran)
  • UPV Professor in charge: Antonio Martinez Lopez
  • Target date: 27-06-2023

D. Program in Architecture, Building, Heritage and the City

Seminar: Encounter between cultures: The patrimonial and cultural architecture of the cities bathed by the sea. Similarities and differences

  • Guest Professor: Dr. Valentina Castagnolo (Politecnico di Bari-Italy)
  • UPV Professor in charge: Ana Torres Barchino
  • Target date: 10-05-2023

D. Program in Business Management and Administration

Seminar: The semicircular flow of the data economy

  • Visiting Professor: Dr. Pablo de Pedraza García (Joint Research Centre-European Commission)
  • UPV Professor in charge: Josep Domènech i de Soria
  • Target date: 10-05-2023

D. Program in Design, Manufacture and Management of Industrial Projects

Seminar: Synthesis and Characterization of Inks for Inkjet Printing Materials and Devices

  • Guest Professor: Dr. Antonio Méndez Bas (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla- México)
  • UPV Professor in charge: Bernabé Marí Soucase
  • Target date: 18-04-2023

D. Program in Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

EMERGIM 2023 Conference

  • Guest Professor: Dr. Guadalupe PIñar Larrubia (Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology in the Art, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
  • UPV Professor in charge: Susana Martín Rey
  • Target date: 22-03-2023

D. Program in Architecture, Building, Heritage and the City

EMERGIM 2023 Conference

  • Visiting Professor: Dr. Alessandro Merlo (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
  • UPV Professor in charge: Francisco Juan Vidal
  • Target date: 23-03-2023