Grants for doctoral theses in Valencian

Ayudas a TFM, TFG y tesis doctorales en valenciano

The Universitat Politècnica de València announces grants aimed at doctoral students for the completion of their doctoral thesis in Valencian.

Students enrolled in the academic year 2023/2024, in undergraduate studies, official masters and students enrolled in a doctoral program attached to the Doctoral School of the Universitat Politècnica de València may participate.


  • Fulfill the requirements of the “Bases comunes de las ayudas para la realización en valenciano de TFG, TFM y tesis doctorales”.
  • To have written and defended the TFG, TFM or doctoral thesis in Valencian.
  • Have a passing grade.
  • To have defended the work or thesis during the period between November 19, 2022 and November 13, 2023.

The amount of the grant for the completion of doctoral theses in Valencian is up to 1,000 euros per applicant.

Check here the extract of the call published in the DOGV.