Academic and professional orientation

UPV doctoral students have access to different resources aimed at supporting them throughout the duration of their studies, both academically and professionally.

Academic guidance resources:

Welcome days for incoming students

At the beginning of each academic year, the Doctoral School, in collaboration with the area of Accompaniment and Comprehensive Student Guidance, organizes the Doctoral Welcome Conference, a meeting that brings together students who begin this new academic stage. In parallel to the conference, a UPV services fair is organized where new doctoral students can find information about all the services offered by the campus.

The compulsory cross-disciplinary subject ‘Doctoral training at the UPV’.

The main objective of the course is to provide information about the functioning of the platforms and institutional applications relevant to researchers in training who are doing their doctoral thesis at the UPV. In addition, training will be given on the general objectives of doctoral training, the transversal and specific competencies acquired, the organization of doctoral training at the UPV through the Doctoral School, under the protection of Royal Decree 99/2011 that regulates doctoral studies, as well as the different processes associated with obtaining a doctoral degree, both academic and administrative, defined in the Doctoral School of the UPV.

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The doctoral students delegation

The UPV doctoral student delegation is the official instrument of representation of doctoral students in the different government bodies of the university.

They offer active support to doctoral students during the development of their thesis, and organize different activities with the aim of giving visibility to the group.

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The Comprehensive Student Support Plan (PIAE +) of the UPV

The Comprehensive Student Support Plan (PIAE+) is a systematic orientation, guidance and support project, immersed in the curriculum and guaranteed by the UPV, aimed at its students from their enrollment in any undergraduate, master’s and doctoral course until the completion of their studies.

There is an active community of UPV doctoral students who collaborate with this project by offering support and mentoring to incoming students.

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The Ph.D. school’s website, FAQs and reminder emails

The UPV Doctoral School maintains a website in Spanish, Valencian and English with detailed information, both administrative and academic, aimed at prospective candidates, enrolled students, directors and PhDs.

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Career guidance resources:

The transversal subject ‘The research career at the UPV’.

This training action aims to provide students with an overview of the Spanish Science and Innovation System, to inform them about the possibilities of pursuing a research career and to orient them towards the quality accreditation processes foreseen for academic careers.

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The transversal subject ‘Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and Startup Creation’.

The objective of this course is to promote the entrepreneurial culture among the group of doctoral students, as well as to encourage innovation, fostering a greater rapprochement between the University, the Company and the Public Administration that favors the competitiveness of the business environment and economic development.

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The Integrated Employment Service (SIE) at the UPV

One of the objectives of this UPV service is to develop training actions focused on skills and abilities that help students and graduates of the Universitat Politècnica de València in their labor market insertion. Doctoral students have access to the training offer and generic individual guidance of this service. In addition, the SIE offers annually a specific training action aimed at doctoral students.

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The IDEAS service of UPV

This UPV service promotes and develops the entrepreneurial culture at the UPV. Its objective is to raise awareness and energize the university community in the creation and support of new companies, and support the creation and development of innovative and technology-based companies in the Valencian Community, mainly.

There is a specific agreement between IDEAS UPV and the Doctoral School that aims to promote this training and that regulates the possibility of recognition of its training activities as transversal training for doctoral students.

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Social skills training resources

Institute of Education Sciences

The Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) of the UPV supports doctoral students by providing psycho-pedagogical support, counseling and training during the learning process, i.e., from the time they enter the university with specific actions to facilitate the fastest and most appropriate integration into the university environment until they complete their studies.

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The Lifelong Learning Center

The Center for Lifelong Learning (CFP) of the UPV offers different training activities to UPV groups, including doctoral students.

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