The part-time enrollment regime is included, both in the national regulations, article 3 of the Royal Decree 99/2011 as in points 3 and 5 of the institutional rules of permanence.
The application can be made at the time of applying for admission (pre-enrollment) or later, once registration has been formalized (through the student’s INTRANET, Virtual Secretary section, second column, applications, application for part-time enrollment regime). A reason will be requested (limited observations field), and once the request is made, upload a supporting document, which will vary, depending on the cause that supports the request.
If the cause is labor: company certificate (with start and end dates or start and current situation), or work life report. Pay slips or contracts are not accepted, as they contain information that is not needed and exclude information that is needed.
If the cause is other and there are no documents to justify it, a statement from the applicant detailing the situation that justifies the request, in a pdf document, may be sufficient.
Once the request has been approved by the Academic Committee of the program, the partial dedication will be maintained in future enrollments, unless otherwise requested.
Students with predoctoral aid must complete their thesis with full-time dedication.