Doctoral Thesis Writing

The doctoral thesis will consist of an original research work elaborated by the candidate in any field of knowledge. The thesis must enable the doctoral candidate to work independently in the field of R+D+i.

The Research Plan of the doctoral thesis will be approved by the CAPD according to the doctoral candidate’s proposal, and with the prior approval of the thesis director.

Thesis requirements

The title page of the thesis should contain:

  • The UPV seal.
  • Title of the thesis.
  • Name of the doctoral student.
  • Name of the thesis directors.
  • Date (month and year) that coincides with the date of deposit.

In addition, the thesis document must contain:

  • Table of contents.
  • Abstracts in Spanish, Valencian and English.


There are no general requirements regarding the format of the thesis document, font size, spacing or page size. You can consult the general publication rules of the UPV publishing house.

It is recommended, for compatibility with Turnitin, that the PDF generated is of type PDF/A.

To generate this type of PDF from Microsoft Word, the steps are as follows (These are general indications, if they do not work for your version of Word, please look in Microsoft Help):

  • In File go to the Export option.
  • Choose the option ‘Create PDF/XPS document’.
  • When the window to set the file name and the place to save it appears, there is a button ‘Options…’. Click on it.
  • In the Options window, in the ‘PDF Options’ section, make sure that the box ‘Compatible with ISO 19005-1 (PDF/A)’ is ticked.
  • Accept and generate the PDF

To generate this type of PDF from LateX, you can find information in the following link.

For the acceptance of the deposit, the Doctoral School will also verify that:

  • In Thesis Management, the abstracts in Valencian, Spanish and English are duly completed in the deposit form and the files with the table of contents and summary of the thesis in Spanish have been uploaded.
  • Deposit fees have been paid.
  • If the thesis is presented as a compendium of articles, the coauthors’ authorization document must be attached.
  • If requesting an embargo of more than 12 months, the document with the approval of the Academic Committee must be attached, together with a document from the journal to justify the embargo.