It is requested from the platform Gestión de Tesis, from the menu “Writing phase // Request extensions/leaves”.
The duration of doctoral studies is regulated by Royal Decree 99/2011, which regulates official doctoral studies in Spain.
A major change in this regulation was introduced in July 2023, leading to two possible situations regarding the duration of studies, depending on the academic year in which the doctoral student was first enrolled.
Although there is no difference in terms of the total time available to complete the thesis, there is a difference in the need to apply for extensions, so it is important to understand what situation you are in.
If your first enrolment was during the 2024-2025 academic year or later:
If you are unable complete the deposit of the thesis before the indicated deadline (deposit after the external evaluations), you must request an extension of this period for a maximum of 1 year.
The application should be submitted at least two months prior to the deadline and will be done through the “Thesis Management” platform (accessible from the student’s UPV intranet), from the menu: “Writing phase // Request extensions/leaves”
The extension request must be justified, attaching the corresponding supporting document:
Once the application has been completed, the thesis supervisor must approve it, and finally, it will require the approval of the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme.
If your first enrolment was during the 2023-2024 academic year or earlier:
If you are unable to complete the deposit of the thesis before the indicated deadline (deposit after the external evaluations), you must request a first extension of this period for one more year if the thesis is full-time or for two more years if it is part-time. If the thesis is not completed after this first extension, a second extension may be requested in an extraordinary manner, which, in any case, will have a maximum duration of 1 year.
The application for any of these extensions must be done at least two months prior to the deadline and will be done through the “Thesis Management” platform (accessible from the student’s UPV intranet), from the menu: “Writing phase // Request extensions/leaves”.
The extension request must be justified, attaching the corresponding supporting document:
Once the application has been completed, the thesis supervisor must approve it, and finally, it will require the approval of the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme.