Information for companies
What is a Doctoral Thesis?
The doctoral thesis will consist of an original research work prepared by the candidate in any field of knowledge. The thesis must enable the doctoral candidate to work independently in the field of R+D+i.
What is the Industrial Doctorate Mention?
It is the same as any other Doctoral Thesis, but in this case, the Thesis is developed within the context of a project of industrial research or experimental development (RD 99/2011, of January 28).
Characteristics of the Doctorate with Industrial Mention
- Hiring of the doctoral student by the company and enrollment at UPV in a doctoral program.
- Duration 4 years, full-time or part-time 7 years.
- It can be performed by a newly graduate or by an employee already working for the company who has a master’s degree.

Access to and use of company data and ownership of the results of industrial research or experimental development.
The access and use of the company’s data by the doctoral candidate is determined in the collaboration agreement,as well as the ownership of the results and the scope of protection of the same before the start of the project of industrial research or experimental development.
It should be remembered that the Royal Decree requires the open publication of the thesis, once completed, and encourages the publication of the results, although there are tools to ensure compliance with confidentiality contracts when the case arises.
Processing with UPV
Only the Collaboration agreement Company-UPV-Doctoral Candidate:
- It is processed through the Doctoral School with the Legal Service of the UPV.
Advantages of the company’s participation in a Doctorate with Industrial Mention
- Funding for the hiring of doctoral students (AEI, AVI…).
- Access to R&D-related grants and subsidies (Spain, Europe).
- Tax deductions and allowances for R&D projects.
- Obtaining the Innovative SME seal (Royal Decree 475/2014, of June 13, on bonuses in Social Security contributions for research personnel).

Business competitiveness
- Development of a new R&D project or improvement in your company.
- Access to state-of-the-art scientific and technological equipment of the UPV.
- Possibility of collaborating with UPV researchers providing experience and knowledge in a specific area.

- Talent recruitment.
- Optimization of recruitment, training and development costs.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Facilitates the implementation of CSR.
- Improve the impact of business activities on customers, employees, the environment and society in general.

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Industrial Doctorate in numbers
Industrial doctorates (2017-2023)