As established in the regulations for doctoral studies at UPV, the thesis examining board will be composed of a total of three members and three alternate members, all of them doctors and with accredited research experience. At most one of the members may belong to the Universitat Politècnica de València or to the collaborating institutions in the doctoral program or the Doctoral School.
The proposal will specify the positions of chairperson, secretary of the committee and member, and their respective alternates. In order to be president it is necessary to have supervised at least one doctoral thesis. In no case may the director(s) of the corresponding thesis be a member of the committee.
Full members will receive by e-mail an invitation to participate in this process. If they accept the invitation, they will receive a digital copy of the thesis to be reviewed, the reports of the external reviewers, and a CV of the doctoral candidate together with his/her activity document.
The collaboration as a member of the defence committee will be remunerated with a symbolic amount of:
- Chairman: €90
- Secretary:€90
- Member: 78,50€.
The corresponding percentage of IRPF (15% for residents in Spain, 19% for residents in Europe and 24% for the rest) must be deducted from these amounts. The UPV Doctoral School will contact each of the professors to collect the necessary documentation to be able to make this payment.
In the event that the participation requires travel, it will be covered by the Doctoral School under the conditions detailed in the following link.
Professors who have participated in this process may request a certificate of participation from the Doctoral School by sending an e-mail to the following address: