Program access information

PhD in Automation, Robotics and Industrial Informatics

Specific requirements and criteria for admission to the program

The PhD Program is aimed at applicants with previous knowledge in automation, robotics and industrial informatics who are interested in conducting research in these areas. At the educational level, this previous knowledge can be accredited with the Master’s Degree in Automatics and Industrial Informatics or other Master’s Degrees with another name whose educational nucleus is focused on the area of Systems Engineering and Automatics, Robotics Systems and Industrial Informatics.

It will be assumed that applicants, based on their previous training, have the following competencies prior to their admission to the PhD program, which are those defined in the master’s degree in Automation and Industrial Informatics of the UPV:

  • Systematic understanding of the theoretical foundations of the field of Automation, Robotics and Industrial Informatics.
  • Design, create, develop and undertake advanced projects in the field of Automatic Control, Robotics and Industrial Informatics.
  • Work, both in a team and autonomously, in a multidisciplinary context.
  • Integrate knowledge, deal with complexity and make judgments in the field of Automation, Robotics and Industrial Informatics.

It is beyond the scope of this program to admit students who do not have a basic knowledge of automation, robotics or industrial computing.

Depending on the previous training, the following access routes are defined:

Itinerary 1:Students with a Master’s degree in Automation and Industrial Informatics from the UPV. Without training complements.

Itinerary 2:Students with a master’s degree with another denomination whose training core is focused on the area of Systems Engineering and Automation and Industrial Informatics. Without complements after verification of the curriculum by the Academic Committee. If the verification is not favorable they will pass to itinerary 3.

Itinerary 3:Students with other master’s degrees, students who meet the access conditions of section 6.2-a,d,e of RD 99/2011. The Academic Committee will determine for each case, depending on the previous training, the number of credits and the subjects to be taken as training complements. The subjects to be taken as training complements are those offered in the master’s degree in Automation and Industrial Informatics of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

Itinerary 4:Students who meet the access conditions of section 6.2-b of RD 99/2011 must take 60 ECTS of complementary training of subjects offered in the Master’s Degree in Automation and Industrial Informatics of the UPV. The Academic Committee will determine the set of subjects to be taken according to the student’s admission profile.

At present, the subjects of the master’s degree in Automation and Industrial Informatics at the UPV are:

  • Design and Implementation of Control Solutions
  • Fundamentals of Robotics
  • Industrial Computing
  • Perspectives on Industrial Automation and Informatics
  • Automation, Computing and Advanced Robotics
  • Complements of Automation, Computer Science and Robotics

The Academic Committee will evaluate the admission applications according to the following criteria:

Excluded: Proposal of work topic in accordance with the lines of research listed above, or related, with the approval of a Professor of the Program who will act as tutor (or director). This document is an indispensable requirement to consider the admission of potential candidates.

Qualitative in nature:

  • Academic record in subjects in the field of automatic control, robotics and computer science.
  • Affinity of previous training in relation to the program’s lines of research.
  • Other merits (other degrees, languages, work experience, awards, scholarships, etc.)

Deficiencies in these qualitative requirements will be remedied with additional training.

In the case of students with specific needs derived from disability, the Academic Committee will study the particular case and the appropriate support and counseling services will be provided in order to complete their training on an equal footing with the rest of the students in the program.

In the case of part-time doctoral students, the tutor together with the doctoral student will plan his/her activity in order to adapt it to the maximum duration of his/her training period and particular circumstances. The Academic Committee must approve this activity plan.

Training complements

Depending on the previous training, the following access routes are defined:

Itinerary 1 :Students with a Master’s degree in Automation and Industrial Informatics from the UPV. Without training complements

Itinerary 2: Students with a master’s degree with another denomination whose training core is focused on the area of Systems Engineering and Automation and Industrial Informatics. Without complements after verification of the curriculum by the Academic Committee. If the verification is not favorable they will pass to itinerary 3.

Itinerary 3: Students with other master’s degrees, students who meet the access conditions of section 6.2-a,d,e of RD 99/2011. The Academic Committee will determine for each case, depending on the previous training, the number of credits and the subjects to be taken as training complements. The subjects to be taken as training complements are those offered in the master’s degree in Automation and Industrial Informatics of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

Itinerary 4: Students who meet the access conditions of section 6.2-b of RD 99/2011 must take 60 ECTS of complementary training of subjects offered in the Master’s Degree in Automation and Industrial Informatics of the UPV. The Academic Committee will determine the set of subjects to be taken according to the student’s admission profile.

At present, the subjects of the master’s degree in Automation and Industrial Informatics at the UPV are:

  • Design and Implementation of Control Solutions
  • Fundamentals of Robotics
  • Industrial Computing
  • Perspectives on Industrial Automation and Informatics
  • Automation, Computing and Advanced Robotics
  • Complements of Automation, Computer Science and Robotics

Basic and general competencies


  • Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of research skills and methods related to that field.
  • Ability to conceive, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial process of research or creation.
  • Ability to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
  • Ability to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas.
  • Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about their fields of knowledge in the modes and languages commonly used in their international scientific community.
  • Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural progress within a knowledge-based society.

Personal skills and abilities

  • To develop in contexts where there is little specific information.
  • Find the key questions to be answered to solve a complex problem.
  • Design, create, develop and undertake novel and innovative projects in their field of knowledge.
  • Work both in a team and autonomously in an international or multidisciplinary context.
  • Integrate knowledge, deal with complexity and make judgments with limited information.
  • Intellectual criticism and defense of solutions.

Other competencies

  • Ability to carry out original research work in optimization of complex systems.
  • Ability to carry out original research work in Automatic Control.
  • Ability to carry out original research work in the field of Industrial Informatics.
  • Ability to carry out original research work in Robotic Systems.
  • Ability to perform original research work in system monitoring and diagnostics.