The comprehensive research plan consists of the research plan itself that the researcher must carry out during the research process (research plan). It also includes a training plan indicating the foreseen planning of the transversal and specific activities to be carried out during the doctorate (for example: cross-curricular courses, congresses , publications, or stays abroad). These activities should be planned to be carried out in a logical sequence and according to the stages of the scientific research process, and, for each one, it is necessary to calculate the time it will take and the necessary and adequate resources for its execution. Another section deal with the possible ethical aspects of the research. In this section, there is a survey that will determine whether the proposed activities require a positive report from the UPV Research Ethics Committee. If so, this report must be requested BEFORE starting the research tasks.
It is important to keep in mind that the proposed research activities (research plan and training plan) are not definitive, and that in most cases, they will be adapted and perfected during the development of the research process.
The comprehensive research plan is an instrument of general orientation for the researcher and should not be considered as a set of rigid, absolutely imperative and unchangeable tasks.
Your comprehensive research plan must be approved during the first year of enrollment.
The research plan must be uploaded by the “Thesis management” app (Menu “Elaboration phase / Research plan request”).
Once approval has been requested, the plan will be reviewed by the thesis director and/or tutor. Once it has been approved by any of them, it will be studied and approved, if appropriate, by the Academic Committee of the doctoral program.